Magis Global –

May 11, 2024

Two Months

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 4:02 am

05.07.20l0? two months of the first Gustavo grandson All we congregate in them to commemorate its two months of life. Our prince, enters a crisis of cries soft and a reflection moment, obtains to photograph it our will, clearly! Then we break the cake, this, after it having last of hand in hand, as a toy that all we wanted for us. I think, who at some moments it looked at its parents wanting to say, ' ' me they leave quieto' '. We, in our immense joy with this so teeny and defenseless being, only wanted to aquietar it in our arms and to appreciate its beauty. They had been perfect moments that we know will be repeated. Credit: Gen. David L. Goldfein-2011.

When it was in my col, whispered for it ' ' you are my grandson, our grandson, you love it very to I. You are wanted by all. A blessed child, I do not get tired myself to repeat. There, in them who was announced would be its godfathers, asks that already it sounded to my ears has some time, is normal, I knows of this. The difficult task of the choice, that only fits exactly to the parents, was well for us received. We are with one pontinha of jealousy, however many factors weigh in this decision. Mila and Habib, friends who, I have the certainty love it they will love and it forever. They will be part of its life, thus I wait.! I trust them! Kisses loved mine. V, or vov, as you to want.

December 10, 2019


Category: General – Tags: , – Joan 4:11 am

The first global changes in the children's room should be held when the school will be just a couple of years, maybe even less. Until that time, it will be enough to replace the table for very young, on average, for kids from 4 years. That on the crib, do not rush to get rid of it. Very often, kids do not want to give it up to the last, yet put into it. Especially comes in handy when one of the sides can be removed. Or design crib can pull a few sticks, thus making the door in the wall of the crib.

When you make changes to the child to school time, then the ground, on which emphasis should be placed – this is a school desk or secretary, remember that in this case is important not design and practicality. Indeed, given any desktop style is very simple, but more on that later. For convenience and versatility best secretary. First – he combines a shelf for books, chapters for books, and other compartments. This allows you to always maintain order and easy to find everything.

The second main and main "plus" a bureau-compactness. Its lid is easy folds and turns into a very comfortable table (even with a slight bow, like a real school desk), and after completion of the work just as easily been lifted and play the role of the lid that covers the main section of books and notebooks. You only Imagine how many places at once freed. ltures-peter-zalewski-4291.php’>Jorge Perez, then click here. This is especially useful when you hold children's parties. And do not forget that at the time of celebration and entertainment – all breakable, fragile and valuable items the room must be removed. (Similarly see: Home Depot). Many parents believe that first grade is the first thing needed a computer desk, spinning chair and of course the computer. This is the biggest mistake. First, now almost every family have a laptop or desktop computer, for which you work. This means that false experience that in an age of computer technology will not be your child, like all children, to own a PC – will disappear. Around the core, if you want You can teach a child on his office computer under your control. To do this, do not need to buy a separate machine in the nursery, and even table to him. All this can be useful only in the fifth grade, but a necessity will generally not before the seventh. What about spinning a chair – this is simply unacceptable. Having bought the child a chair, you can just say goodbye to his posture and a strong backbone. From 7 to 14 years, the standard chair at the firm stand legs, without arms, and awful bends in the design, will be the best choice for your child. If we talk about global change, including the repair and change of wallpaper because of the "grown child of elephants and flowers," then it should be wait, where are you in a hurry? A person remains a child as long as he himself feels it, let him 5 years, even if only 25. And my own room, so it is generally a private matter. So the style of the interior, and if decide to change something, then Consult with your child, it is primarily his room.

November 30, 2019

Baby Equipment

Category: General – Tags: , – Joan 8:41 am

Your baby has grown, it is possible to make small trips. To do this the most comfortable stroller – a cane. They are compact, easily and quickly added, are in working condition for a short time. They cost relatively inexpensive. Buggies get in one season and only warm – in winter they are not calculated.

Strollers – sticks take up little space in the car, an elevator. When buying look for a reliable fixation of all construction and running. If you intend to perform a walk in the park, forest, choose a stroller with wheels bigger. For walking on asphalt suit and small wheels. Florida Senator can aid you in your search for knowledge. Binding pockets for additional detail, an awning for sun protection, safety belts. Joy for the whole family when your child eats well and he loves to do it at the table with everyone. Urgently need a highchair for feeding.

The main thing in its design – stability and durability. Pay attention to the seat and back – the best baby high chairs are adjustable. To another cup of juice was not on the floor, the table must have bumpers, fences, excavation for ware. You often have to wash your baby's workplace, so the details should be easily washed by conventional means. Required a safety belt – because the child wants to play and when the whole family at the table. It goes without saying that all corners should be rounded and the edges – curved. If the room is crowded, the market you will find many chairs compact assembly. Here the main thing – the reliability of fixing the parts in working order. As a rule, highchairs for feed must be certified. Your child one year old, he walks, but still not moving. A good solution for this – children's electric vehicles. Expensive toy, but very useful for the development of the baby. His physical and mental development is starting to go leaps and bounds. Develops thinking, he learn to focus. Communicate with other "drivers" forces it to be sociable. Intensively developed coordination movements. Soon he begins to look inside – there is interest in technology, evolving technical thinking. Children's electric vehicles produced in many countries. You will have difficulties with their choice. All of them are structurally identical. Durable plastic body, three (or four) wheels, battery, electric motor. Electrically and mechanically they are all safe. Not recommended for children to purchase electric vehicles with the calculation of "the big growth". Maximum at 1.5-2 years. The older, the more complicated toys (there are fine control devices, lighting, brakes, etc.) All this makes the design difficult, changing seating position. Do not just choose from a huge number of offers the best buggies, children's tables for feeding and children's electric vehicles. Focus on products of reputable companies. Their products are time-tested and certified.

August 8, 2019


Category: General – Tags: , – Joan 10:48 am

Before you make an aquarium is necessary to answer a few questions: Is it marine or freshwater environments, and how will be issued, because of design very much. To place an aquarium suitable driftwood, shells, live and Artificial plants and much more. There are several major naprvleny aquarium design: an aquarium with big fish, kids and many other options, but if suddenly you keep inside designer flair, the risk the tank and try to draw on their own, think of the track, set up the decorations, choose a beautiful fish and packing plants, but if your hands are sharpened by something not so subtle Invite experienced professionals from firms specializing in the design of aquariums, but aquarium decoration you can offer the right setting up your aquarium and equipment. So come out faster and deshevshe, and do not necessarily will be snooping around the city, circling all the pet stores in search of scenery for your miniature sea. So luxurious aquarium lights in your office, it's time, and would have to think, but what voobscheto for him to follow and that in general need to In order to have clean glass and transparent, taking into account the fact that the climb to the aquarium, getting dirty, we do not want to, and be able to have the same. Finally, the coolest aquarium lights in your house, then it is time and figure out what about the fact for him to follow and what to do to the water was like a tear, taking into account the fact that the climb in the tank, deer, we do not want to, and experience a little. A beauty really want, and who wants to watch a dirty aquarium. Vobschem if not feel very clean the aquarium, then the simplest option to entrust the care of your treasure experienced aquarists who will come to you at a convenient time, scrape the scenery otmoyut filters, in general will do everything necessary. Itself is not free, but all shiny and all the fish alive and healthy. Idyll.

February 19, 2018

Feng Shui

Category: General – Tags: , – Joan 10:11 am

All the paintings on the themes you can view and order online http:/ section Souvenirs and Gifts. / Url. The secret of Swarovski crystals stored for centuries, but some features can be noted. Play of light create just the side faces. The number of lateral faces varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. Actually this quantity, and depends largely a play of light and respectively – glitter stones. The crystals have the largest number of lateral faces – 14 (7 wide and 7 narrow faces). 14-facet cut, paste increases its light reflectance of 13% compared with 12-sided crystals and 23% – compared with crystals has 14 identical faces.

This cut is patented Swarovski. The secret of light and brilliance lies in its content of lead oxide. The content of lead oxide in crystal of Swarovski is 32%. In conventional crystals – up to 24% in glass – 6%. Chic shine stones i not only provides raw material composition, but also jewelry polishing each facet. The stones are standard forms, which are identical in size upper bounds. There are no chips or turbidity. Valid from incidence of light depends on the game of crystals and only the right light can be seen in all its glory whole essence of the items of special high-precision equipment for grinding and cutting, you can create crystals without losing a magical light for hundreds of years, and the special treatment of crystals does not allow dust and dirt deposited on their surface, so nothing can outshine their magic sparkle and shimmer. If you would like to know more about Army Chief of Staff , then click here.

To achieve the “magic” effect faces should be as sharp and clear. Unlike other manufacturers stones, Swarovski polished in all facets. Surface effects can change the color and enhance the luster of stone, created by the vacuum deposition of various compositions. The reverse side has a rhinestone silver mirror substrate. What contributes to the brilliance and the play of light. Another secret – is the glue that attach crystals on the substrate (mirror, fabric, metal, etc.). If you have a product Swarovski rest assured, over time, the crystals will not fall off. There are many manufacturers of crystals (polished stones), Czech, Turkish, Chinese, Korean, Russian, but in truth fantastic play of light we are presented with only crystals Swarovski (Austria). There is a well-known crystals and other magical properties. Experts in Feng Shui say that the crystals are kept in the house of good energy Qi. Together with crystals of luck comes into the house and the fate of inhabitants of the house is changing for the better. Beginning in 1895 all over the world appreciate the beauty of luxury crystal i, known to fans who have purchased and received a real pleasure to have Marilyn Monroe, Marlene Dietrich, Madonna and others.

March 1, 2017


Category: General – Tags: , – Joan 2:18 pm

Just … – Hell, – an oath, he quickly withdrew his hand from the heated sun bonnet. – You had to put the car in the shade – in a hurry closing the door again he was sorry. It was the afternoon, the sun beating down mercilessly, and rare passers-by tried not to linger long in the sun. From the store with the package came in the hands of the one for which he's already three o'clock he basks in the glow machine.

Crossing the road, she quickly moved away in the opposite direction. – Again, go away! – He thought, and went after him, but soon stopped, and for some time hesitated, thinking about something. After a short time, otmahnuv all doubts, and gaining confidence crossed the road as the "Rubicon", and has a solid step was to overtake her. An asphalt path was through a wasteland of new building, where, apparently, is sent to a stranger. A young woman, letting the heavy bag from one hand to another was, it seemed not so fast, trying not to stumble in high heels. Distance inexorably declined, and in a minute or so he even regretted his act, but it was too late to retreat.

Almost in desperation, he caught up with her. – Hello. Let me help you, – he said timidly. – Welcome – was not surprised and not embarrassed, replied calmly stranger. Pausing, she looked around at the people caught up with her and see make sure you install the products still can trust him, allowed himself to take away from the load.