Really is the fear of the dentist an insurmountable hurdle? No! Tips and advice for the anxious patient: 1 dental choice choose a dentist who takes time for a preliminary interview with you. Mention your fear at the appointment, the entire dental practice you can adjust itself. 2. conversation, communication reports you from your fears, because often there are special things that most fear is (injection, sounds, instruments). So, the dentist can consider these points addressed in your treatment. Often small agreements, such as the interruption of treatment with a show of hands help against the tension. This can reduce the feeling to be delivered.
Ask the dentist to place the instruments outside your field of vision. 3. music bringing up for longer treatments your own music with. A headphone interferes with the most treatment steps do not and drowned out the sounds of treatment and can be thus very reassuring. 4. New beginning in 68% of patients of fear, is a traumatic experience in the past due to the fear, often during childhood.
For a new beginning, the barrier must be overcome practically, because often the fear is not so serious already after the first interview or first treatment. It is advisable first small, lighter treatment steps to tackle. 5. frequent visits by means of regular inspections and participate in prevention measures can be mostly avoided larger treatments in advance. The circuit to wait and then when emergency treatment in inflamed, numbing areas to make bad again painful and bad experiences, can be avoided as always to the extreme. 6 as example Tartar removal by surface or local anesthesia, reduce stunning and soothing stuns even for lighter treatments, the tension, because the constant waiting for a possible pain is reduced. Against anxiety can light Help remedies. The use of homeopathic medicines, acupuncture or hypnosis can also be a way to anticipate the fear. Dentist Dr. Gregory Schlegel St.-driving-Strasse 20 50667 Cologne Tel. 0221 2576067 press contact: Leif Heuser the dental practice of Dr. Gregory Schlegel at St. Aperschnalzen Street in Cologne is your specialist for aesthetic dentistry, implants, and prophylaxis. Bad breath treatment, professional tooth cleaning (short: PTC), treatment of anxiety patients, grinders or snorers are part of the range. There is also the individual care always in the foreground. Information about billing issues, medical and cost plans and partial payments get patients entirely without obligation and free of charge. Ultimately one thing counts in the dental practice of Dr. Gregory Schlegel: the trust of patients in the work of the dentist.
What travelers, however, companies can who has ever traveled by plane, knows the problem. Annoying ear pain with the landing spoil the first few days abroad many tourists, because the symptoms often last longer. Reason of evil is the changing air pressure. While he is quite low at 10,000 feet, he normalizes again, when the plane loses altitude. This sometimes causes pain, which can cause later inflammation or bleeding. The news portal reveals what measures help, and when a gang to the Otolaryngologist is absolutely necessary. Charlotte Hornets is often quoted as being for or against this. Often it is enough to compensate for the pressure through a short swallowing or yawning. If that doesn’t help, passengers should adhere to the nose and press firmly into air.
This creates higher pressure in the rhinopharynx, which evade the air in the middle ear can be. These measures have however rarely in ailing health. Who is suffering from a slight cold or a runny nose with carrying around should do something for his irritated mucous membranes. Nasal sprays or drops can counteract the aching ringing in the ears. To achieve the desired effect, they should be used at least one hour before landing. If the travel pharmacy not with the necessary medicines is equipped, it is worth to ask the flight attendants. These are familiar with the problem and have not infrequently small sprays for their guests. Persistent ear pain, analgesic containing the active ingredient ibuprofen or analgesic ear drops are recommended.
Travelers, however, can save the money for ear plugs. Should the symptoms do not disappear, a visit to the doctor is inevitable. More information: ..gequaeltes – tympanic membrane-to – travel /… GmbH Lisa Neumann
Wi-Fi access in schools is controversial studies of the side effects of radiation emitted by wireless networks, provide for uncertainty. Especially in schools Wi-Fi systems should be used in the future still very sparingly. The Internet health portal provides information about the dangers of the wireless Internet. A number of recent studies indicating that the radiation emanating from wireless Internet transmission systems, could be very health concern. The researchers make responsible the rays for concentration problems, headaches and fatigue. Wi-Fi in schools? These findings led now in UK and Austria that was adopted, especially in schools with the use of Wi-Fi very sparingly. Check with Peter Schiff to learn more. “Through the onslaught of wireless computer networks in schools the health of children is set to the installation unnecessarily on the game”, said Philip Parkin, General Secretary of the British voice teacher.
He feared that the Wi-Fi devices electromagnetic radiation separate from could damage the nervous system, that is still in development in children. In addition, he demanded that no other wireless Internet connections in schools are likely to be installed without appropriate research on the long-term effects of escaping radiation. Austria expresses concerns about Wi-Fi Gerd upper field, environmental health professionals at the regional Government of Salzburg, this notes: there is yet no sufficient tangible results for the Wi Fi access and potential health risks. The radiation from Wi-Fi is however indisputable. He is usually between 100 and 1,000 Microwatts per square meter.” 500 Microwatts per square meter it will come already frequent headaches. ibute to your knowledge. Especially worse come to according to upper field, that Wi-Fi radiation vitiated by a relatively high proportion of low-frequency radiation, especially the biologically active.
During testing, it was found that a Wi-Fi access point in a class room, also if he is in the far corner of the room is, as a result of reflections do still radiation in the amount of around 100 Microwatts per square meter on the walls. In Salzburg there are therefore”an own Parliament decision, by the Wi-Fi only very reluctant used at schools because of security and health concerns, Oberfeld said finally. The imedo health news learn about online gambling. In the imedo health news, learn the dangers of online sex. Also the imedo Gesundheitscommunity deals with the topic of Wi-Fi radiation ‘apart and allows Internet addicts through the Group of Internet addiction’ exchanges.