The dimension of the urban culture assists a comparative study between cities, in the measure where characteristic politics, religious, ambient and economic can be studied, extending the understanding of the pupil concerning the concept of city and its place in it. Of another part it is also essential to show, when analyzing the changes that occur in the geographic small farms and when relating them with the occupation of the places in the past and gift, that is not possible to understand them without the addition of the learning of the dynamics of the nature, preventing a fragmented vision of its reality. It has, therefore, the necessity of if having to establish relations between relief, ground, hydrography, climate, vegetal covering, in different scales, and the dynamics of the occupation of the place and the formation and development of the city. Of this form, the geographic look of the pupil can be stimulated when comparing different spaces and scales of analyses, making possible to surpass the false existing dichotomy between the place and the global one, going beyond the common of the concentrical ordinance of the geographic contents, generating sense of a mere descriptive speech of the geographic space. In this in case that, we detach the importance of if establishing relations between these scales, creating conditions so that the pupil commands the studied spaces, comparing the geographic phenomena, noticing the accessibility and the rapidity of the ways of transport, the speed them medias to transmit information and images of some countries of the world, extending the scale idea. To analyze in some geographic scales makes possible the process of generalization of the phenomena and objects that will be studied. Moreover, it can be articulated the concepts and be structuralized them in a net of meanings. The interpretation of the geographic phenomena also earns meant when the pupil understands the diversity in the way as if of the organization them places, when he understands the territory concept, from there to reaffirm that the reading of maps and the elaboration of cognitivos maps are essential elements for the understanding of the geographic speech. The idea of if structuralizing a project educative having the city as a element-key imply to have as bedding the city while concept to be constructed by the pupils, passes for considering the city as key for a pedagogical action. Therefore, as they affirm Go’mez-Granell and Villa (2001: 28-30), an educative project of the city is a strategical plan capable to define strategical lines and concrete performances for a next future, but that it requires certain conditions: capacity of innovation and reflection leaving of a diagnosis of the socioeducativa reality of the city and the territory, where if they define the problems and main trends of the society; participation citizen, a project that must in general be converted for the local community and the society, contributing to mobilize the social capacity of reflection; consensus and action, therefore are essential that it has an essential component of commitment with the action, that must