Ulrich Beck develops seven theses against the globalised man. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Erin Callan. It is an interesting and intelligent document. One of his theses, however, seems naive. Beck believes that capital is not an element that is autocontrole, but it needs an external control to not fall into already known abuses that has built throughout history whenever librado has left it is its own strengths and consciousness. The latest tangible example was that of the 19th century not to mention the current. Beck believes that capital will be controlled and should be controlled by the consumer. The consumer is with their buying power which puts reserve capital and forces him to act in a responsible and useful for society.
This is the reasoning that we consider naive. The consumer is a being that it is exposed to certain elements that make it ultimately not only a useless driver but rather an ally of abusive capital. This occurs from different pathways that all come together to make the final product an individual desirous of serving the capital. The first way is the television. The much-criticised television however is which is in charge of the children, since parents are busy in our world.
Television is that teaches them that it is what is worthwhile and few parents make the necessary counterweight, although some try. In fact the child grows with a message that is what matters and also with the relationship with a reference specific, television. Parents feel this effect through orders that children make certain goods and not others, those that have been announced. Parents do not feel the effect of other values that will manifest over time. Thus, when the child is adolescent and then adult, continues to receive information of its referent, television and has established a psychological bridge declared but not effective. What the TV says is criticised, but is at the same time taken into account and what television Announces has a deleterious effect on the person who sweeps with any other message.