We can see this reality in all the events of our day the day. As For example: The rivers are dirty and poludos; The days are much more hot; the nature this uncontrolled, tai the example as floods, ventanias fortssimas among others things that happen in our planet. All we know the reasons for which these reactions of the nature happen, and all we know what she is necessary to make to change this reality. Only that nor all make! Then already this in the hour to start to make the certain thing, thus to help the planet and to we ourselves. I am not saying that if you to make one or another thing you go to save the planet of the destruction, but, you already thought if the whole world to make a bit, its part, the result that this goes to have in the situation of the environment? He is Entertainer, therefore if each one to make its part, the planet will be saved. THEN WE GO TO START TO MAKE NOW! The world all is engaged in this campaign, is periodicals, famous magazines, people and until politicians among others, that it aims at the change of some habits of us human beings, for only one simple cause, our planet, our life! These are some forms to brighten up this chaos: * Recycling.
*Coleta of the garbage and not to play abandoned garbage in rivers, streets and fields. *Economia of WATER. *No to deforest our forests illegally. *No to make burnt, at least not of great ratios. Among others attitudes that can help the planet. The authorities specialized in this area are in constant studies and research, to try to find solutions that help the planet, one of these solutions already shows resulted, as for example: Recently, magazines, periodicals and propagandas had informed the viewers of a very simple attitude that would very help the environment, that is to paint the ceiling of its houses of white, a different attitude and it legalizes well, that it helps to diminish the heat. Result, the house is more cold, and you still it helps to diminish the global heating.
Clearly that if one or another one to make does not go to have many results not to be for itself same. But if at least good part of the population to adhere to this attitude, with certainty this in them will bring good results. I am not an authority worried about the environment, nor so little a specialist of the area, still, I am only one common person, who likes it environment and if she worries about it. I am inviting you to be part of this campaign. It can act different with the environment, writing as I and divulging these solutions that help the environment, can at any cost be that he helps the planet, I only make! CAMILA TO SOUND.