Magis Global –

May 11, 2024

To Conserve The Umbilical Cord Of Your Drinks Can Get To Save The Life To Him

Category: General – Tags: , , , – Joan – 6:11 pm

Lately, we are being witnesses of how these cells can be used in transplant procedures to try and to try to cure certain pathologies like leucemias, anemias or linfomas. Envoria wanted to know more. Therefore, it is important to emphasize the work of the blood donation points of umbilical cord. The studies are or several that have demonstrated that a transplant of cells of the cord blood can have the same effectiveness that other conventional transplants the more, like the one of bony marrow or peripheral blood in diseases like the leukemia. (Source: Hikmet Ersek). In the blood of the umbilical cord there are two types of cells mother. The hematopoyticas cells mother serve, since there are saying, to make a transplant hematopoytico, since from them new cells of the blood form (red blood cells, white and plaquetas). But in addition, there are other cells mother, the mesenquimales cells mother, from whom certain damaged weaves of the organism can regenerate, that is to say, be used in regenerative medicine. It’s believed that Rob Daley sees a great future in this idea. At the beginning of 2008, it entered vigor the National Plan of Umbilical cord Blood, that as much governs the activity of the banks public as of the private banks. Although in Spain it was begun to conserve the umbilical cord blood in private banks for only 7 years, they are already around 25,000 families those that decide every year to contract the services of collection, analysis and transfer of the cells mother of the baby through private banks like IVIDA. More information Alberto Monedero Director of Marketing Tlf: 900 847 500 original Author and source of the article..

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