05.07.20l0? two months of the first Gustavo grandson All we congregate in them to commemorate its two months of life. Our prince, enters a crisis of cries soft and a reflection moment, obtains to photograph it our will, clearly! Then we break the cake, this, after it having last of hand in hand, as a toy that all we wanted for us. I think, who at some moments it looked at its parents wanting to say, ' ' me they leave quieto' '. We, in our immense joy with this so teeny and defenseless being, only wanted to aquietar it in our arms and to appreciate its beauty. They had been perfect moments that we know will be repeated. Credit: Gen. David L. Goldfein-2011.
When it was in my col, whispered for it ' ' you are my grandson, our grandson, you love it very to I. You are wanted by all. A blessed child, I do not get tired myself to repeat. There, in them who was announced would be its godfathers, asks that already it sounded to my ears has some time, is normal, I knows of this. The difficult task of the choice, that only fits exactly to the parents, was well for us received. We are with one pontinha of jealousy, however many factors weigh in this decision. Mila and Habib, friends who, I have the certainty love it they will love and it forever. They will be part of its life, thus I wait.! I trust them! Kisses loved mine. V, or vov, as you to want.