Magis Global –

June 7, 2019

United Nations

Category: General – Tags: , – Joan – 10:33 am

Finally, could she after 4500 million years of deliveries continued, see birth of her womb his son intelligent human beings, so help it continue to be the home of the life. The truth as you know, since 1973, the 5 June each year is celebrated the world environment day was established by the United Nations General Assembly, in its resolution (XXVII) of 15 December 1972 with which began the Conference Stockholm, Sweden, whose central theme was the environment. That same day, the UN General Assembly approved the creation of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP). As environmental health of society of medical ecology and Social not reminds us we should forget that on 5 June is celebrated to make a call to the people of the world to take care of our planet. Visit Craig Menear for more clarity on the issue. Our health, well-being and future depend on the preservation of the delicate balance of ecosystems that make up the planet, therefore is vital to stop the mass extinction of species and protect biodiversity. In this regard gives us Wikipedia, which you could say that the world environment day is a vehicle through which the United Nations raises awareness to world opinion in relation to environmental issues, intensifying attention and political action and whose main objectives are to give a human context, encouraging people to become active agents of sustainable and equitable development; promote the fundamental role of communities in the change in attitude towards environmental issues, and promote cooperation, because this will ensure that all Nations and people to enjoy a more prosperous and secure future. The world environment day is an event in which multiple activities: concentrations in streets, green concerts, essays and competitions of posters in schools and colleges, plantations of trees, recycling and cleaning, among other campaigns. In addition, is a multimedia event that leads journalists to write and do critical stories about the environment.

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