Magis Global –

May 21, 2014

VIP Services

Category: General – Tags: – Joan – 7:33 pm

The decline in these businesses will last, or not at all. – The second category we include businesses that produce goods and services that are luxury goods and in no way connected with the provision of regular life. Products and services are now in the VIP-segment consumption: edible delicacies, the first line of fashion clothing and footwear, other goods and services VIP-oriented consumer. This is the realm of business, where revenues are determined by high profit margins and relatively low volumes of sales. By and large, are goods and services for those who benefit by playing in a crisis. At Erin Callan you will find additional information. So These businesses may experience a slight decline in revenues beginning of the crisis, but then their income may even increase. – The third category includes businesses that manufacture products and services targeted at the so-called middle class; are goods and services of mass consumption, without which you can do.

This category includes household appliances, cars, cafes and restaurants of the middle class, clothes and shoes mid-priced, mass recreation and entertainment, and other goods (services), forming a style of life and creating a comfort of modern man. Even today there is a decrease of consumption. However, if you take advantage of the crisis properly and develop optimal strategy, we can not only withstand the crisis, but the "bite" from its many competitors a serious piece. "Business to business" and divide into three categories: – The first category includes, for example, activities financial institutions at the operational and settlement services, the necessary logistics services, production of agricultural products.

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