Magis Global –

July 29, 2012

Climatic Change

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 3:47 am

to it anniversary of the first Day of the Earth in 1995 were occasion to evaluate the environmental progress. In the western countries the good news seemed to be the air and the water was cleaner, the forests had expanded and many other environmental indicators also had improved. The combination, sometimes unstable, of the legislation, the actions brought by the NGO, the enterprise education of the public and practices more efficient, they had had a remarkable and positive effect in the state of the environment. But there were antagonistic opinions with respect to how good were these news. The journalist of environmental subjects Gregg Easterbrook informed in the magazine The New Yorker that the environmental laws " along with the enormous variety of private efforts stimulated by brings back to consciousness ecological have been an impressive successful the regulations on the environment, far from being troublesome and expensive, they have demonstrated to be extraordinarily effective, they have cost less than the advance thing and they have fortified, not debilitated, the economies of the countries have put that them in marcha". In the 2009 subject of the Day of the Earth was the green generation. EDN summoned to being active part of this half environmental network.

In the 2010 the 40 years are celebrated, and are several subjects including the climatic change. The final mission is someday to celebrate " Day of the Earth " , every day of the year. It is known also, that in Cochabamba, Bolivia, this being realised world-wide conference of climatic change and the rights of the mother earth. This historical fact is very important for the original towns because our fight does not have another objective that the preservation and conservation of the nature, indicates Mapuradio. The World-wide Conference of the Towns on the Climatic Change and the Rights of the Mother Earth, driven by Evo Morales after the failure of the Copenhagen summit, is developed in these days in Cochabamba with the participation of thousands of people who trust delineating an alternative strategy in the fight against the global heating, that includes a Climatic Court of Justice.

July 28, 2012


Category: General – Tags: – Joan 12:17 pm

The understanding of the dynamics of distribution and variation of precipitations is of utmost importance for the Climatologia and for Meteorology, as well as, they are basic in other branches of the scientific knowledge, mainly on ones to the study of the economic activities, after all, the distribution of rains and mainly the variability of these is determinative in practical farming and the agricultural ones. The study of the behavior and the dynamics of variation of precipitations they are mechanisms more necessary technician each time for the success of the production of the farming sector, for this, is marcante the increase of methodologies used for intermediary of agricultural meteorology. * Permitted in Geography, and substitute professor in the course of Licenciatura/Bacharelado Geography of the Federal University of the Acre? .

July 27, 2012

Brazil Continental Country

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 2:11 am

Brazil: Continental country and of contrasts! The present article was written when we elaborated the Project Pedagogical Politician of our public school, as part of the situacional landmark. This was a text that took the professor to reflect our reality and to understand that our country has continental dimension, with enormous differences of income and job, with a imensido of places with the most diverse climatic conditions, cultural and educational variety and with pssimas infrastructure conditions. We live in a rich Country, however these wealth would have to benefit all, it is not distributed of form uniform, still it has millions of Brazilians living in the misery. We are part of world-wide the economic block that defends the capitalist system of production and, in this globalizada economy reigns the profit and the exaggerated consumption, concentrating income at the hands of few, making that if it accents the social inaquality; still the large state persists that generates the agricultural exodus and the swell of the cities what it provokes violence, lacks of housings, unemployment and take Brazil to have characteristics of 3 world. In the aspect politician, it is observed interference of the globalization of the economy and, makes with that the actions politics are come back to the international interests, where human being is not valued. The political parties are not fortified and gain prominence who are in the power and finish little not corresponding to the yearnings it people, promoting the common good.

The partisan ideologies favor the corruption, and the citizenship finishes having indifference; it is prioritized construction of workmanships ' ' faranicas' ' that they can relieve votes. The campaigns politics sharpen certain rancor between candidates who desire the power stop of it taking off advantage. The impostures are constant that not only involve legislative, as well as the executive and until the judiciary one.

July 14, 2012

The City

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 5:01 am

The dimension of the urban culture assists a comparative study between cities, in the measure where characteristic politics, religious, ambient and economic can be studied, extending the understanding of the pupil concerning the concept of city and its place in it. Of another part it is also essential to show, when analyzing the changes that occur in the geographic small farms and when relating them with the occupation of the places in the past and gift, that is not possible to understand them without the addition of the learning of the dynamics of the nature, preventing a fragmented vision of its reality. It has, therefore, the necessity of if having to establish relations between relief, ground, hydrography, climate, vegetal covering, in different scales, and the dynamics of the occupation of the place and the formation and development of the city. Of this form, the geographic look of the pupil can be stimulated when comparing different spaces and scales of analyses, making possible to surpass the false existing dichotomy between the place and the global one, going beyond the common of the concentrical ordinance of the geographic contents, generating sense of a mere descriptive speech of the geographic space. In this in case that, we detach the importance of if establishing relations between these scales, creating conditions so that the pupil commands the studied spaces, comparing the geographic phenomena, noticing the accessibility and the rapidity of the ways of transport, the speed them medias to transmit information and images of some countries of the world, extending the scale idea. To analyze in some geographic scales makes possible the process of generalization of the phenomena and objects that will be studied. Moreover, it can be articulated the concepts and be structuralized them in a net of meanings. The interpretation of the geographic phenomena also earns meant when the pupil understands the diversity in the way as if of the organization them places, when he understands the territory concept, from there to reaffirm that the reading of maps and the elaboration of cognitivos maps are essential elements for the understanding of the geographic speech. The idea of if structuralizing a project educative having the city as a element-key imply to have as bedding the city while concept to be constructed by the pupils, passes for considering the city as key for a pedagogical action. Therefore, as they affirm Go’mez-Granell and Villa (2001: 28-30), an educative project of the city is a strategical plan capable to define strategical lines and concrete performances for a next future, but that it requires certain conditions: capacity of innovation and reflection leaving of a diagnosis of the socioeducativa reality of the city and the territory, where if they define the problems and main trends of the society; participation citizen, a project that must in general be converted for the local community and the society, contributing to mobilize the social capacity of reflection; consensus and action, therefore are essential that it has an essential component of commitment with the action, that must

July 13, 2012

The Planet

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 3:18 pm

We can see this reality in all the events of our day the day. As For example: The rivers are dirty and poludos; The days are much more hot; the nature this uncontrolled, tai the example as floods, ventanias fortssimas among others things that happen in our planet. All we know the reasons for which these reactions of the nature happen, and all we know what she is necessary to make to change this reality. Only that nor all make! Then already this in the hour to start to make the certain thing, thus to help the planet and to we ourselves. I am not saying that if you to make one or another thing you go to save the planet of the destruction, but, you already thought if the whole world to make a bit, its part, the result that this goes to have in the situation of the environment? He is Entertainer, therefore if each one to make its part, the planet will be saved. THEN WE GO TO START TO MAKE NOW! The world all is engaged in this campaign, is periodicals, famous magazines, people and until politicians among others, that it aims at the change of some habits of us human beings, for only one simple cause, our planet, our life! These are some forms to brighten up this chaos: * Recycling.

*Coleta of the garbage and not to play abandoned garbage in rivers, streets and fields. *Economia of WATER. *No to deforest our forests illegally. *No to make burnt, at least not of great ratios. Among others attitudes that can help the planet. The authorities specialized in this area are in constant studies and research, to try to find solutions that help the planet, one of these solutions already shows resulted, as for example: Recently, magazines, periodicals and propagandas had informed the viewers of a very simple attitude that would very help the environment, that is to paint the ceiling of its houses of white, a different attitude and it legalizes well, that it helps to diminish the heat. Result, the house is more cold, and you still it helps to diminish the global heating.

Clearly that if one or another one to make does not go to have many results not to be for itself same. But if at least good part of the population to adhere to this attitude, with certainty this in them will bring good results. I am not an authority worried about the environment, nor so little a specialist of the area, still, I am only one common person, who likes it environment and if she worries about it. I am inviting you to be part of this campaign. It can act different with the environment, writing as I and divulging these solutions that help the environment, can at any cost be that he helps the planet, I only make! CAMILA TO SOUND.

July 12, 2012

Brazilian Environment

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 10:25 am

The man and Ambient degradation the depredation of the Environment is serious in the whole world. Ahead of the economic transformations, politics, social and cultural they contribute each time more to increase the aggressions to the Environment. The society not yet if acquired knowledge of the importance to preserve the natural resources for its survival. The natural environment is suffering an extreme exploration that threat the stability of its systems of sustentation (exhaustion of natural resources you renewed and you did not renew, disfigurament of the ground, loss of forests, climatic pollution of the water and air, loss of biodiversity, changes etc.). On the other hand, the result of this extreme exploration is not equitably distributed and only one minority of the planetary population if it benefits of this wealth. The man is the only animal that modifies the nature with its work, many times of irreversible form. The modern society in such a way intensifies this process that it compromises the life in the planet. The objective? To increase the profit? what it makes all sensible in the capitalist social model.

However, this greed has a high cost, already visible in the problems caused for the pollution of the ground, air and the water, in the extinguishing of animals and vegetables, scarcity of water and many areas they had been destroyed on behalf of the urbanization and of the growth. The changes in the climate are each more visible time, as the increase of the temperature, (global heating), climatic changes, effect greenhouse, thermal islands of heat, inversion, rains excessively in some countries and dry (desert) in others, the planet this exactly changed, this everything are resulted of the transformations human beings. The concern with the Environment walks the slow steps in Brazil, in contrast of the developed countries, mainly in function of priorities still bigger as, for example the poverty, the social inaqualities and others.

Begoa River

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 10:25 am

In other occasions, normally when it is considered that this restoration to the labor market is very complicated or impossible (normally the criterion of the age and the professional formation of the person are taken into account) this one being fixed with indefinite or permanent character could. He is indeed in these assumptions where greater number of times the requests of modification or suppression of the Pension consider. In any case, this request of modification or suppression always would have to come motivated by some from the following circumstances: a) The worsening in the economic situation of the ex- spouse who satisfies the benefit with foods. b) The economic improvement in the situation from that receives the pension (the collector), for example by to have found a job that allowed him to obtain income similar to the ones of its ex- pair. These two the common element to situation is, indeed, that the positions of both ex- spouses approach, or is of negative form (in first of the cases), or by a favorable circumstance (in the supposed second). Legal causes of extinction of the compensatory Pension It is precise to differentiate supposed previously mentioned of those others in which the own Law establishes the automatic extinction of the Right to the perception of the pension. Indeed, the Norm anticipates diverse circumstances that could motivate the automatic suppression of the Right to receive the food pension, without outside some at the time of modifying it needs judicial intervention or suspending it. One would be supposed as the death of some of the ex- spouses or the new married connection of that perceived the pension..

July 7, 2012

Internet Blog

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 11:03 am

Another funny way to update your blog and to maintain to your readers interested in your site is to include something funny so that your readers enjoy. That could be as simple as a joke or perhaps a connection to a humoristic history that you have found in Internet. Also you can try to include a game of questions or surveys so that your readers enjoy regularly. It participates in the communities of Internet: The participation in communities Web or forums of discussion mentioning your blog whenever it is possible, will help to maintain the readers you and to that they return to your site. In addition, of which you can gain new readers when doing this. Also you can be loyal to blogs of other writers and to ask to them that they visit your site. It leaves pleasant commentaries about its contents you invite and them to your site. If they have mutual interest and the same type of readers, they even can share its bonds blog in its sites.

This aid to all. Your reader will be able to appreciate an interesting reading, while he benefits from the reading of the site of another one. He finds out that they look for in your blog: Another great way to maintain your readers and that they return to by more is to understand than look for is it in your blog and to write a content directed towards them, nevertheless this does not mean that you must write in particular of a single subject. If you are a housewife and you write on your life in house, with the children, your reading faithfuls they do not appreciate that you write on vanguard subjects, or if you use bad words when writing it. If normally you write with humor, you do not disturb to your readers with painful problems. Your readers are interested in the subjects that attracted your site the first time to them.

You can obtain one better understanding than your readers think, if you include a space so that they leave his commentaries at the end of each Post. He includes key words: With the Blog Marketing, you can gain readers and help to maintain those that you have, including certain key words in your blog. If they have entered your blog by a motor search, these key words that aims at your blog are going to raise after a search. This is a great way to obtain new readers interested in your blog, and so that the companies to increase the traffic to his blog. Blogging is the new way to take to a newspaper or magazine in line. Blogging also is more and more popular for the companies. If you wish to cause that your blog honors on the thousands of others blogs, mantn your interested readers and that they return to by plus every day by means of the update of content, participates in communities online, understands his readers and include key words. By an effective emprendimiento.

July 4, 2012

Narrator Language

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 6:32 am

Thus, it was possible to observe and to affirm that, from this type of literal production, the metalingstica activity? of reflection on the language? it gains space concrete in the classroom, when thought on the nature of the writing of texts and on the necessity of if teaching and learning the normative aspects most formal and of the language. CONCLUSION. It is exactly in the characteristics of the autobiografia? of the narration in first person and of the protagonist-author? e, therefore, the envolvement of it with its proper history, that also inhabits the vio of if emerging of this literal sort possibilities of mutual agreements between pupil and professor, of respectful and compromised relations with the process of education and learning more directly come back to reality of them e, also, with the dynamics of the work market that it demands of both, each time more, the capacity to establish more efficient and efficient relations between the theory and the practical one? relation still so complex of being understood and being executed. Moreover, by means of the characteristics of the activity of epilingustica production, it was possible to perceive in the texts the concern, to the way of these citizens, with the referencing, the reescritura and the joint in the textualidade and, from this concern, to provide it metalingusticas reflections that can assist it in the development of its written language, mainly in what says respect the literal coherence and to the cohesion. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL REFERENCES. BENJAMIN.

Walter. The Narrator. SP: Brasiliense. 2001. CHESTNUT. Maria Eugnia L.

M. University at night: end or start of day? Campinas/SP: Papirus. 2001. CHARTIER, Roger. Cultural History: between practical and representations. Translation of Maria Manuela Galhardo. Rio De Janeiro: Bertrand Brazil, 1990. 245p. FREIRE. Pablo. Pedagogia of the Autonomy. SP: Peace and Land, 2000 GUIMARES; Eduardo. Semantics of the Event.