Magis Global –

September 2, 2012

Doctrine General

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 12:10 am

However, the vices in general way are the great villains of this new century. The vices, in a general way, are modifying the course of the history of the creature human being, degrading the being, verwhelming its personality, taking it the total disequilibrium, to madness, the violence and, not rare, to the suicide. The base of the guilt of its dissemination is, without a doubt, in the absence of moral values of the said society modern, in the imediatista search of unknown pleasures, in a desire to fill the interior emptiness by means of methods that effectively they do not lead to the desired effect. For the Doctrine of the Espritos, the understanding and real perception of what it means the human being, as person, constitutes valuable element of analysis, indispensable for the dialogal agreement with the modern world, with the rising postindustrial civilization, in the context of a process of general globalization, as well as in the direction evaluating the process lived for the multitude of kept out of society and empobrecidos that to awake start it, they will be organized they will walk and it with its proper feet. (DENIS, 1996, p, 11) As Espritas, we have the duty to fight, with all the weapons, to fight the vices of all the luck, fortifying the faith, implanting principles of moral straight line, everything obtained to the cost of the reinforcement of the familiar bows, alerting for the commitments that all have ones stop with the others, aiming at a happier and less laborious future. ' ' the vision of the man as person must be looked and be understood in the context of the Doctrine of the Espritos, so that it can exert to collaborate in the action to transform the world. the urgency of the fight being able against them that they hinder the humanizao and espiritualidade it homem' '.