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December 24, 2012

The Article

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 7:10 pm

Following these advice to educate small dogs, and without stopping considering that they are only main lines and that each alive being is unique, adding to this our affection that will be reflected in the patience who we will have to him to our mascot, we will be able to educate it so that in the future it does not become a true problem from conduct and can integrate itself harmoniously to the home. Beam click to learn here like I could train dog without having to leave my house in only short weeks. Original author and source of the article.

December 18, 2012


Category: General – Tags: – Joan 4:10 pm

It will be with this concept that this will artigotrabalhar concerning the language through music. For Chomsky (1998) not only the lexicon and agramtica exert influence on the linguistic language, but signs tmforte representation in the mental structures and the vision of world of the individual. The language is constituted of two components queSaussure apud Penna (2003 nominated) them of ' image acstica' of significant and a' structure conceitual' of meaning. These are constituent of all aspalavras that arriving at an individual plan they start to compose a sign. In music one observes three important aspects for alinguagem. The physical aspects, that are the musical structure, the physiological one receive dequem it, that they are the agencies of the direction, and the psychological one.

Penna (2003) presents two types of language: adenotativa and the conotativa. Being the first one characterized for the ideal character cientficoe and second for the emotional impregnation. Ahead of this podemoscaracterizar music as a predominantly conotativa language. For Chalhub (1995) we can still infer that amsica it is a referencial function, therefore has predominance of imbricados factors deemoes. Being that any communication to occur is necessary that it has umaprimeira person who emits to feel, souvenirs, expressions and confessions umasegunda person which will be the pointed person as receiving.

Chalhub (1995) detaches that the songs popularesprovocam emotion for the fact to express through the subjectivity of the individual, through the way as if it speaks. Therefore, in the novel contexts to podemosobservar the nucleus of on action to the dramatical expression of feelings and affection, using itself of music co-to move the viewer. Vygotsky apud Fields (2001) affirms that the man seconstitui in its relation, and that its psychological functioning is shaped pelacultura, in this way, it becomes natural of the human being in elapsing of the development, therefore he is inserted in a historical context.

The Indian

Category: General – Tags: – Joan 6:37 am

Helas here: According to our opinion, in agreement with the one of Uricoechea, snsiga was a language different from chibcha. Easily it is included/understood that the languages of those half-wild tribes, naturally little of words, would have altered with the vicinity and the deal with the Chibchas, as happens even more in the borders of the civilized countries, and this gave rise to that they were considered by some like dialects chibchas. Brinton finds affinities of origin and language between the Chibchas and the tribes of the Aruacos, inhabitants of the Sierra Nevada, Taironas, that occupied the skirts of this Mountain range, and its neighbors the Chimilas, that their dominions to the south of the Bog had. When Jimnez de Quesada came by earth from Santa Marta to discover the interior of the New Kingdom, already the tribes of which we have spoken had been conquered, and he happened with its expedition through the territory of the Chimilas. The Indian interpreters who took knew those languages naturally, and nevertheless they could not understand to the Chibchas. On the other hand, the comparison of the languages turns on so few words, and the similarity is in several of them so little, that all conclusion is ventured. They are the following: They could the Chibchas, on the one hand, the Aruacos and Chimilas on the other, to bring its origin of different towns that spoke to languages derived from a same language mother: this would explain the similarity of some of the voices that used. Trying about the permanence of tribes of the family of the Chibchas in the North America, it express Brinton in the following terms: " In the States of Panama and Costarrica, certain number of tribes was filially united to the advance posts of the Chibcha nation, or deeply influenced by them.