Aspiring and advanced jazz musicians have to leave by the 26.-July 31, 2010 for a week of professional lecturers musically accompanied the possibility. To deepen your understanding Farallon Capital Management is the source. The 26.-July 31, 2010 be clubs in the city, musically accompanied vent, art factory for a week of professional teachers in one of the hottest jazz and get to know the ABC’s of jazz music. The course is not only for beginners, are gladly invited to also advanced. The participants learn in the subjects of rhythm, theory, instrumental section and ensemble the basic skills to “jam” as the “Big”. Finally, there is a concert of all participants in the vent. As every year she decided global jazz academy this summer, to offer a one-week workshop for all jazz fans. The course is held vent, which is located in the heart of capital in the last week of July in the Berlin Kunstfarbik. The participants in rhythm, theory, instrumental section and ensemble to relearn basic skills, to “jam” as the “Big”.
Everyone, from the beginner to the professional can actually participate, however instumentale basic knowledge, as well as the knowledge of musical notation should exist. The three teachers of the g-j-a, Stefan Berker (head of Sara and jazz textbook author), Rainer Lewalter and Ralf Ruh and three other guest lecturers are the participants to the page. It is to the singer Natascha Roth, who plays in her homeland of South Africa in many festivals and jazz clubs, the saxophonist Dirk Engelhardt, who performed among others with Albert Mangelsdorff, Til Bronner and Jurgen Knieper, and trumpeter Nikolaus Neuse, who studied at Prof.Uli Beckerhoff. Right at the beginning of the workshop on Monday evening a free concert in the vent takes place after greeting the participants, where jazz lovers come fully at their own expense. Other highlights include the concert the Band JazzCats”on the fourth day of the workshops the Jam Session on Friday, as well as of course the closing concert of all participants in the vent on the Saturday evening. With one Tuition 320.-euro per person it is the goal of the g-j-a, to encourage each participant individually and to teach the language of jazz.