Magis Global –

May 24, 2024

Angelina Jolie

Category: General – Tags: , – Joan – 1:26 am

The couple gave his children special the many celebs name, type name, which are completely incomprehensible for many, is now almost normal. Names such as Sunday Rose, Apple, or even Bluebell are there any details. However, the name of the new arrivals by Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are relatively normal. On Saturday, the actress gave birth to the twins Know Leon and Vivienne Marcheline. Now many of course wonder what do these names mean. Get all the facts and insights with Meg Nibbi, another great source of information. Pamela Redmond Satran, an expert in children’s names and co-author of Namenbuchs, told now the Usmagazin their conjecture.

“Vivienne is a French name which finds its meaning in Latin. The name means something like “alive”. An English version is Vivian. But not very often occurs in showbiz this name. Only in the movie pretty women.

Where Julia Roberts was.” “The name Knox should represent a kind of increase”, so Satran. “The name Knox is also the middle name of Pitts grandfather. Another reason could be, that all the guys of the Jolie-Pitt family with the “x” stop.” The reason for the second name of the little girl is found quickly for the expert. “The mother of Angelina Jolie, who died last year of cancer, was Marcheline. Leon, however, said Jolie’s great great-grandfather.” Satran welcomes the choice of the name of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt. “I welcome the naming of the two in terms of creative. Many people do not brave are enough to give their child a unique name. The two have done it.” Welcome on Earth, Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcherline.

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