Although the interatividade is a characteristic cream of the radio, the Internet influenced and provided a qualitative addition in this dialectic. That is, at the same time the listener can not only create and to select its programming, how much also she can order one email expressing its opinion on the proper programming that is hearing. Still under impact of the technological transformations and the Internet, some theoreticians as Arthur Clark affirm that the idea of transmission in satellite and the notion of nets are predestinold to the disappearance in detriment of the eminence of the webrdios. Air Force Chief of Staff shares his opinions and ideas on the topic at hand. Therefore the creation of these webrdios reaches a how much international market in such a way national, to the step of that if they become unnecessary the affiliated ones, that is, the proper creation of nets. However still it is early to even say itself in extinguishing of the conventional radio because the same one already is considered one of the most including medias of mass.
Whereas still very it is argued on the fact of the Internet to be or not a media of mass, therefore even so it has busy a great space in the society, the computer did not become accessible object all the classrooms and therefore it is not so including while ' ' mass media' '. A change that also it can be perceived in the new structure of the radio saw Internet is in the advertising. The virtual market is presented lucrative however it depends on being had access. That is, the advertising, main sustenance of the conventional commercial radios, also starts to support the webrdios. However, in the conventional radios the propaganda arrives more of form practises almost and that involuntary reaching a great one I publish. To the step that in the webrdios the access to the site and the attention or of internauta is not that they go to guarantee the favorable result of the announced product.