Magis Global –

June 26, 2016

Attracting Customers

Category: General – Tags: – Joan – 8:56 pm

Attracting customers and keeping their main goal of any tour operator. Increase customer loyalty, in turn, the key to both attracting new and retaining old customers to. This is achieved through a tradeoff value operator services in the eyes of the customer to the price for these services. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Peter Schiff by clicking through. From here follow five basic strategies to increase loyalty. 1.Povyshenie service quality – this is achieved through the accounting features and wishes of a particular group clients, through more careful selection of hotels, airlines, tours and additional sets of travel, all types of bonuses for free trips somewhere, free massages, etc. For other opinions and approaches, find out what Dennis Lockhart has to say. are being fairly cheaper services add value to the customer. 2.Vybor the most suitable time (timing) – I will bring a selection of the best time to communicate with the client.

If you come to the moment when the client is just looking to go to or by whom, then you just in time:). Given the seasonality of your client or his particular tastes and preferences of the operator can always go with the "best" offer. For example, if your client has children, it is very logical submit proposals on family vacations and summer camps for children not long before the holidays. 3.Uchet personal characteristics – matching supply to a particular client, whether it's pass, cruise, tour, will be tailored to suit this client, you will be able to show him that it was working for him and offer something that suits him, not something that you offer to others. 4.Psihologiya and social factors – tourist industry – the business of emotions experienced or expected, and therefore the solutions it is often made on emotion. And then to play their part can then looks like a manager, how it communicates with the client, sent a postcard for my birthday or New Year, etc. 5.Snizhenie prices – reducing Price does not necessarily mean an immediate price reduction. This may imply a more convenient form of payment, to selectively give discounts (ie discount on what is important is that customer), discounts in various systems, such as discounts for group or one-time discount cards through discounts. Applying these simple strategies – a direct way to increase customer loyalty and attract new customers, respectively.

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