Magis Global –

February 27, 2017

Beautiful Arts

Category: General – Tags: – Joan – 1:18 pm

J.Y.O. The Galician locality has two of best urban beaches of Spain. The Marine Stroll crosses more than 10 kilometers of the coast. Alto mount is the alternative district. With the arrival of the summer, To Corunna it shines his better finery. The Galician locality can be conceited to have two of best urban beaches of Spain: Riazor and Orzn. The water of the sea is considerably cold for which they are not customary to the Atlantic, but both sandy grounds are located right in the center and their infrastructures are optimal.

Besides beaches, great the attractiveness of the city in summer is its enormous Marine Stroll, one of most extensive of Europe with more than 10 kilometers in length. The Stroll crosses all the coast of the coruesa peninsula, from the Port to the zone of Or Portio, in which there is a wonderful terrace to enjoy the sun putting accompanied by a glass. It can cross the Stroll walking, in car, bus or tourist street car, but, at this time of the year, the best option is to rent one bicycle. In this way, it will be able to stop in the multiple places of interest that lay out the passage, like the Castle of San Antn, the millenarian Tower of Hercules (declared Patrimony of the Humanity by UNESCO for two years) or Monte of San Pedro, from whom the best views of the coruesa bay are descried. Local gastronomy Like any other city of the community, To Corunna is perfect to enjoy the Galician gastronomy. The options are multiple and are establishments for all the pockets. If the budget is reduced, it can approached the zone of wines and to taste traditional covers by a reasonable price, around 1.5 Euros. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Alabama Senator.

Also in the same district, there are economic seafood restaurants (40 Euros of average by person). In case a tribute wants to occur, numerous restaurants exist that serve fish, meats and seafood of great quality. Brown house, the Chorale, Artabria, Beach Club, Or Bebedeiro and Domus are some of most famous. Nocturnal life the coruesa night is especially attractive the weekend, although, in summer, the tourists are in charge to animate to the city the rest of days. Like it happens with the gastronomical supply, the leisure nocturne is varied. The zone of the Orzn is the one that pubs agglutinates more, whereas the Old City is the district with more enchantment. If it prefers the alternative premises, Alto Mount is its site. The Bar of Juan, Or Patachn and the Puticl is safe bets. Culture and purchases In A Corunna there is an interesting group of cultural institutions, between which they emphasize the Museum of Beautiful Arts, the MACUF and foundations Caixa Galicia and Pedro Barri of Maza. As far as the purchases, the city is well-known for being the place of origin of the greater empire of the fashion, the Inditex group. Besides the marks of the Amancio industralist Grouse, To Corunna of Galician designers and other Spanish communities counts on a remarkable number of boutiques. The surroundings of Juan Flrez and the zone of the Obelisk lodge the best stores.

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