Magis Global –

July 12, 2012

Begoa River

Category: General – Tags: – Joan – 10:25 am

In other occasions, normally when it is considered that this restoration to the labor market is very complicated or impossible (normally the criterion of the age and the professional formation of the person are taken into account) this one being fixed with indefinite or permanent character could. He is indeed in these assumptions where greater number of times the requests of modification or suppression of the Pension consider. In any case, this request of modification or suppression always would have to come motivated by some from the following circumstances: a) The worsening in the economic situation of the ex- spouse who satisfies the benefit with foods. b) The economic improvement in the situation from that receives the pension (the collector), for example by to have found a job that allowed him to obtain income similar to the ones of its ex- pair. These two the common element to situation is, indeed, that the positions of both ex- spouses approach, or is of negative form (in first of the cases), or by a favorable circumstance (in the supposed second). Legal causes of extinction of the compensatory Pension It is precise to differentiate supposed previously mentioned of those others in which the own Law establishes the automatic extinction of the Right to the perception of the pension. Indeed, the Norm anticipates diverse circumstances that could motivate the automatic suppression of the Right to receive the food pension, without outside some at the time of modifying it needs judicial intervention or suspending it. One would be supposed as the death of some of the ex- spouses or the new married connection of that perceived the pension..

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