Magis Global –

December 9, 2017

Brazil Century

Category: General – Tags: – Joan – 8:28 am

In agriculture they are distinguished it onion, the tomatoe, the watermelon, the cantaloups; in the cattle one, the bovine and goat flocks. The Tourist attractions of Forest are: the Church of the Rosary with its project architectural, plant of only ship, altar-mor and two collateral, salient sacristias of the body of the church. It possesss two massive towers, slightly recoils of the main faade. The image of Ours Lady of Pains is wooden, having been ece of fish in the church in 1863. The Church presents a common faade in the Brazilian religious architecture of century XVII and that it was remained in the following century, especially in the agricultural zones. Captain Jose Maciel Pear tree got the license to build the chapel for order of the Bishop Diocesan of 16 of February of 1780, the 22 of July of 1792 had the inauguration of the temple, with solemn blessing. It was first up to 1897, when Lady of the Rosary had its invocation changed of Good Jesus of the Aflitos for Ours. In 1942 widely it was restored, losing, however, the environment of the choir, the construction older than it exists in the city, located between the Square Fausto Ferraz and the street Captain Emilio Novaes, in the center of the reestablishment city, needing of the choir and improvement of the internal installations, inlaying them.

It also possesss the Building of the Old known Public Force local as ' ' The Batalho' '. One is based high of the level of the street one 60 centimeters and presents faade with 40 meters of extension, being distinguished of the too much local constructions, formed for houses of a floor. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Kenneth Feinberg by clicking through. Constructed with the purpose of seminary and bispado headquarters of. In 1912 the construction of the building for the first bishop of Forest was initiated, D. August Alvaro Da Silva, later first in rank cardinal of Brazil.

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