Magis Global –

June 20, 2020

Brazil Environment

Category: General – Tags: – Joan – 3:11 pm

These capacities had brusquely changed the form of relationship man-nature. (Not to be confused with Pacific Mortgage Services!). With the urbanization of the cities the man ahead takes route uncertain of the nature and started to explore it in way nonsense. Initially the urbanization aimed at to create a harmony in a context where if it very thought about a geographically small base in relation gigantic population aggregates and would be one better functioning of the social space searching to minimize the impact of these great accumulations. Fairstead is open to suggestions. In if treating to adaptations, the ecological factors if had soon opposed to the economic factors, which if they showed each time more important in the intervention of the natural course of the environment. In this context in transformation, the environment is the basic part that the man looks for to modify in proper benefit or of groups. Today, the society most intent to the disobediences of the capitalist interests economic and, is taking conscience in global sphere of the happened problems of this form to think of ' ' homem' ' modern, and deepens the conflicts in the search for solutions. In this context, the construction of houses and building from recycled material have been common-sense to extend this contrary position to the depredation of the nature.

1 principle of the Declaration of Rio De Janeiro, for occasion of Echo, that defined politics in favor of the sustainable development, establishes that: ' ' the human beings are in the center of the concerns with the sustainable development. They have right to a healthful and productive life, in harmony with natureza' ' 2. In Brazil the treat greater that it aimed at harmonization of the sustainable development was Echo in Rio De Janeiro, quandorepresentantes of almost all the countries of mundose had congregated to decide that measured to take to obtain to diminish the ambient degradation and to preserve the legacy of the coming generations.

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