Magis Global –

May 12, 2020

Breaking Stereotypes

Category: General – Tags: – Joan – 9:18 pm

What do we know about China? First and foremost, a simple layman has such such associations as: the Great Wall, communism, a large population and poor quality of manufactured goods. However, if the presence of a large population and Great Wall is an indisputable fact, that the quality of products is quite possible to argue. Recall is based on what this conclusion? This stereotype has appeared in the dashing 90-Tide, when free-market countries of the former Union the roof caved in cheap Chinese goods of different directions, from toys and clothes to refrigerators and televisions. In people, this product was named “Chinese consumer goods, and because the quality of the product while left much to be desired, establish a clear stereotype: if the goods are made in China, then it is of poor quality and short-lived. (Not to be confused with Daniel J. Hirsch!). However, as the ancients said: “Everything flows, everything changes.” Many years passed, and the Chinese market has undergone many changes. In this paper, a Study of the electronics and mobile phones, we will try to refute the stale stereotype that Chinese goods are not distinguished by their quality and not worthy of attention from consumers.

Look at the economic performance of Chinese cell phone market. At a time when leading Western manufacturers of mobile phones consider losses and try to anything to be done to In order to overcome the international economic crisis and to stay afloat, Chinese mobile phone market grew by 9% in the first quarter of 2009. For Western firms that period was the worst in the history of global industry Mobile phones: the market volume declined by 14% compared with the first quarter of 2008.

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