Magis Global –

September 1, 2011

Business Marketing Plan

Category: Uncategorized – Joan – 1:14 pm

Today’s global business needs to understand that it’s not an isolated company.  Business today is a global enterprise and the business’ marketing plan should reflect that global understanding. What that means is that there are many ways to create a marketing plan and to execute it – and they should all consider life outside of their own small bubble.

For instance, businesses should consider their online image and their marketing plan.  Do they have a twitter account and a facebook page?  Are they trying to reach companies and people outside of their immediate area? Do they have marketing people in various cities, or are they only concentrated in one small area.

Even the smallest, most specific business can benefit from considering a more global approach to marketing.  Just because one company sells snaps to the local market doesn’t mean that people aren’t also looking for snaps of that sort online.  A company can expand exponentially by looking into its online reach and by working within the confines of the internet and the global community.

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