Back on the specifications and plans and make a thorough study of how to know exactly all the characteristics of the work. All data taken from each of the steps outlined, must be registered in order, to quickly make further consultations required. The key is to capture the dominant idea of each item, in regard to the technical and / or design and execution system suggested, except in cases where this is specifically required, but even in these cases the documentation usually have holes where, with skill, the employer may change the systems, reducing costs and / or deadlines, and maintaining or increasing the quality end result. Election Implementation of technological systems accurately known the essence of the documentation and the degree of freedom exists in regard to choice of building systems, should be raised for the most significant items implementing all options imaginable, even those that a priori seem unlikely. Significant items are considered those that equal or exceed ten percent of the total budget or inputs with ten or more percent of the contract period.
The following should be evaluated objectively as possible, all the alternatives put forward to adopt the most suitable in each case. For this purpose it is essential to establish clear guidelines to assess and evaluate the system for the variants. Choice of topics: Generally the topics to be considered for the evaluation of the alternatives are: a) Input labor ($) b) Consumption of materials ($) c) Execution Time (days) d) Capital required ($) can be used many others such as: equipment needed, the relationship between qualified personnel and common, and so on.. If you are unsure how to proceed, check out Euro Pacific Precious Metals.