Magis Global –

March 9, 2013

Conference Room Regime

Category: General – Tags: – Joan – 2:11 am

The term globalization, has become an everyday expression to refer, primarily, to their implications within the global economy. In this case, I use this word to apply to the meaning of hypocrisy. The term that I intend to define, it is my interpretation on what di called: Global hypocrisy in international relations. It is otherwise evident, as individual countries, mainly economic, interests determine the political positions of the Nations, when it comes to providing support or establish alliances. The vote in favour or against, abstentions, suspicious absences, etc. are tools commonly used to influence decisions or statements in international forums. The case most recent and embarrassing, is what happened at the recent International Conference against Racial Discrimination, held in Switzerland.

The international prominence of the Iranian regime, at the cost of defying the world with its not evident, but declared intention of developing nuclear capacity for military use. Its political and financial support to terrorist organizations, which manipulates his craving for they sow terror around the world, you qualify for others. This, has placed them on the opposite side of Western and other countries of the world Arab, who are suspicious of his intentions of imperialist and key cutting. Who today holds the political head of the Iranian regime, does not lose the opportunity in any forum to which manages to be invited, of denying the Holocaust and threatening to a recognised and member of the United Nations, in this case Israel, State of being erased from the world map. In return, is guest of honour at the aforementioned event, resulting in the absence of major countries, the presence of others with second level and delegations, the abandonment of the Conference Room of a large group of delegations, who refused to listen to their lies and unjust accusations. The abundant oil and gas Iranian, generate you abundant economic resources and make it an important client of several items, mainly high-tech military and civilian. Adding to this her potential as a financial investor, they are a tool that the regime used as currency of change and blackmail political, without any limitations. Great powers, medium-sized and small countries, succumb to such attractions, in a sort of tainted shameful alliances of manifest immorality.

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