Magis Global –

November 5, 2012

Constitution Democratic

Category: General – Tags: – Joan – 9:24 am

Of global form, he perceives yourself that he is not enough to evaluate the performance of the pupil of untied form, that is, descontextualizada. (Program of Reinforcement of the Pertaining to school Advice, 2004, p.13). Being thus, the Pertaining to school Advice will have to be pautado in procedures that involve responsibilities next to the practical one that it develops yourself in the units of education, fit to reflect, also, on the dimensions, as well as the aspects that need to be proven, to if constructing an education that has detached the citizenship and the quality of education; this procedure must be made by means of the performance of the pupils, not in untied way, but inside of a context. Thus, it is considered to reflect on: That dimensions and aspects can be parameters for this accompaniment/procedure? Other aspects must, thus, be identified to be contemplated in the evaluation, such as: the social context in which the schools are inserted; its conditions for an excellent learning; the mechanisms used in the democratic management; performance of the professor in educative process e, finally, the pertaining to school performance of the pupils. So that it has a democratic management in the school is basic the existence of propitious spaces so that new social relations between the diverse pertaining to school segments can happen. Also, for BOBBIO (1992): When if it wants to know if it had a development of the democracy in data country, the certainty is to look for to know if number increased not it of that they have right to participate of the decisions that say respect to them, but the spaces in which can exert this right. Thus, the Pertaining to school Advice constitutes one of these spaces, together with the Advice of Classroom, the Bosom Estudantil, the Association of Parents and Mestres (APM), between as much others possible.

He occurs that the Pertaining to school Advice possesss a proper characteristic that it of the basic dimension: it consists a form student body of the democratic management. The management leaves of being the exercise of one alone person and starts to be a management student body, in which the pertaining to school segments and the local community if congregate for, together, to construct an education of socially excellent quality and. With this, one divides the power and the consequentes responsibilities. In this context, the paper of the Pertaining to school Advice is of being the consultative body, deliberative and of more important mobilization of the process of democratic management, not as instrument of external control, as eventually it occurs, but as a partner of all the activities that if develop in the interior of the school. An educational legislation has all, defined for the competent parliamentary spaces, influenced for the organized social movements, that can be set in motion to favor the management of the basic school and the existence of Pertaining to school Advice democratic operating and participativos 1. Being thus, the Pertaining to school Advice is an organism of joint between the school and the society, a pedagogical practical installation of one and a culture democratic politics and citizen. 1 the politics and the state and municipal legislation must establish lines of direction for the democratic management, operacionalizando the Constitution and the LDB.

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