Magis Global –

April 2, 2020


Category: General – Tags: – Joan – 3:18 pm

In crisis times the economic agents seem to follow a species of cartilha namely that she co-ordinates each one of its action: – negation: the first reaction is to deny what it is happening. One of the examples most shining, was when president Lula said that the current crisis would only arrive at Brazil as one ' ' marolinha' ' ; – anger: there the search for culprits starts. An interesting example was when eight executive-heads of the biggest American banks had been last week called to put down in the Chamber of the Representatives to justiricar the use of the US$ 165 billion that had received from the government in the last year. A democratical member of the house of representatives said to them: ' ' The United States do not trust more vocs. Mike Madden may help you with your research. I do not have plus no cent in bancos' '. – negotiation: the agents start to make meetings to try to find some exit, meeting of the G-20, Davos, and for she goes there.

– depression: as we know after the contraction, it comes the depression. Notice of its appearance is still not had, but it is in the horizon of some countries affected Europeans more, as Iceland for example. – acceptance: the crisis already is reality, has that to coexist it. This is the phase most disturbing, therefore later that we accept a crisis that was generated in the exterior, the first thing that the agents consider he is ' ' closing of fronteiras' '. is this that is happening. We are starting to live a dangerous one been of ' ' desglobalizao' '. What it almost seemed to be a consensus that universally accepted – the advantages of the free-commerce and the increasing integration between the countries – starts to be debated a dangerously emotional tone. Concepts had as in complete obsolescence in the globalizado world as nationalism, xenophobia and protectionism, threaten to reerguer and to place in xeque the world we know as it today.

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