Magis Global –

February 24, 2015

Dental Treatment Without Dental Insurance

Category: General – Tags: , – Joan – 3:53 am

A dental insurance offers effective protection against high co-payments. Test’s experts explain who is a dental insurance policy is worth. Health insurance companies not more percentage pay the health insurance companies less and less since 2005 participate in the annual dental costs, but provide only a so-called fixed subsidy. This fixed subsidy covers just half of dental treatment at the statutory level (so-called primary care). If you want aesthetic and high-quality restorations must assume the additional costs to 100% myself pure inspections are the cost of the annual follow-up of the funds currently is still being fully reimbursed, as long as no further intervention is necessary. At the follow-up visit, but a need for treatment, determined for example through a hole in the tooth, it can be expensive. Although the amalgam filling is paid by the health insurance fund, due to the health side effects it is today but hardly used.

Alternatives such as plastic fillings, gold or ceramic inlays can Quick cost several hundred euros. Dental crowns and implant quality dental Crowns can quickly cost 800 euros, from checkout, but mostly a subsidy is provided of approximately 150 euro. The funding gap is immense and so quickly rips a big financial hole in the wallet. An implant costs even more, cost EUR 2,000 per implant are not uncommon, the grant of cash is about 250 euros. Additional insurance is worthwhile for everyone who continue value sets on high-quality and aesthetic dental restorations, which should remain affordable, which hardly come at the dental insurance from expert point of view. Just when expensive prostheses or implants are necessary, such a supplementary contract pays off quickly. Good dental insurance assume the costs usually 90%.

Dental insurance should be completed, as long as the teeth are healthy! A dental insurance should be completed, as long as the teeth are still healthy. Once dental problems occurred, no insurance coverage is often more possible. In children age makes sense it already in the early since orthodontic measures only can be covered, as long as they were found still not dental. Diessl Kurth Finanzmanagement GmbH & Co.KG Konrad Diessl spruce Street 5 82041 Deisenhofen

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