Magis Global –

May 22, 2024

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Category: General – Tags: – Joan – 12:56 am

New steps several forces that shape our affect the spiritual path in spiritual shaping of our lives. The energy of thought forms about what is. Everything that happens to us. Thousands thoughts flow daily through our brain: inspired by the impulses of the outside world, supposedly determined by the events that we encounter. Finding clarity in thought is therefore the first step on the way to being conscious.

Thoughts and feelings in keeping an equally important influence on the design of life have our feelings. About the level of feeling we are people to the co-creators. Thoughts alone not enough to come in the ability of the manifestation. At the moment in which we feel intense thoughts, we contact our spirit selves on the idea is realized in the material world. The contact to our soul to the spirit-self, is the most important key to gain access into the universe, the divine Kingdom. Feelings in resonance with the soul thought silence and feelings resonate with the soul the spiritual development topics, the Doris Becker in a two-day intensive seminar for people who want to grow spiritually next, are taught.

In combination with the high self, the abundance of the universe available is us. It involves mainly the knowledge to integrate the wealth of the universe to the spiritual development in life. The fullness of the divine source is manifested in spiritual values: inner peace, courage and creativity, ideas and impulses for new perspectives and the ability to take care of as a divine being. To find more information about the event, on the Internet at. G. Klus

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