Although it is not possible to know what is really happening in Argentina (and will be much more difficult to know when the passage of the media law that will allow the Government to control them is achieved), the Argentine Government is made very difficult to maintain the motto around here, everything is fine. Without a doubt, Argentina has problems, but these problems go beyond their current economic situation. They are fundamental problems that do not find a solution path. Myopia in government policy has resulted in serious situations for environment business in Argentina. Not by chance Argentina was one of the countries that greater capital flight suffered since 2007, capital that for the Economist Bernardi Kosacoff: went by the negative expectations because there were no plans to resolve the problems of infrastructure, energy, with subsidies that eat the fiscal surplus.
And this determined that there are no investments and that it chose to more imports. Truly it is difficult to invest in this context in the Argentina by more goodwill that entrepreneurs have. Speaking candidly Alabama Senator told us the story. It is the possibility of doing business in the country is affected by the prevailing uncertainty and instability. The context not allows to think in the long term and also produces specific loss of business. I put in the place of the employer that seeks to open up to new markets and leaves in search of clients abroad, which, despite the attractiveness of the offer received in terms of price and quality of the product, do not accept it before the big questions surrounding the ability of the Argentine businessman to comply with their commitments to the uncertainties of the local context. The erroneous policy causes not only a drop in the volume of investment and in the foreign direct investment (FDI), but also affects the quality of the little investment that is performed. After all, more risky to be entrepreneur what logic can take it to bet on a 5-year investment project or to bet in sectors with a high potential for profitability but which affect the sensitivity of the Government? The disappointment and the high risk employers are clearly reflected in the data. The data that provides the Acebeb consulting is more than Developer: investments announced in the month of August in Argentina fell 88.8% year on year and by 30% in monthly terms, reaching only US $485 million.
In Argentina we are witnessing an effect domino that ends up hitting the strength of the economy. Is the Bolivian economy to the Argentina more solid? Yesterday commented in a news decision to Moodys improve the creditworthiness of sovereign debt of Bolivia which already now boasts a better score than the Argentine public debt. This decision is a signal for Argentina. To where you want to look at the Government, you will find that the situation in the Argentine economy is not good, the topic is who wants to look towards any side. Horacio Pozzo the economy and markets the Brazilian real has appreciated strongly in so far this year. The extraordinary recovery of the economy of Brazil predicted what was going to happen with the Brazilian currency. Would you like to know future investment opportunities early by deciphering the information that provide us economies? To understand how the economy determines the great movements of the markets, we offer you the elementary course of economy which will provide the basic elements to understand the functioning of economies and anticipate its trends. More at.