Magis Global –

March 12, 2015

European Tourist

Category: General – Tags: – Joan – 11:18 am

From 1973, after the Sheet city to be tumbled by the Institute of Patrimnio Artstico Nacional (IPHAN), as National Historic site, which had its colonial architecture influenced by European culture, and for the styles however neoclssico however neogtico. The region retakes the steps of the growth, over all economic in the decade of 1980 through the development of the tourist activity, when the Park of the Chapada Diamantina (servant through decree n 91,655 of 17.09.1985, as resulted of an ample mobilization of ambientalistas and communities of the cities of entorno, conscientious of the importance to preserve its scenic beauties) was inserted in one of the looked scripts more for the national ecoturismo. With the tourist development, the Sheet region, configured in this new economic sector, effects the use and occupation of the ground, in the exploitation of its natural resources, many inadequate times, improving the based local infrastructure in the sustainable expansion of the region, between them the system of sanitary exhaustion and water supply presenting significant changes in relation has decades behind, aiming at to take care of the demand of tourist, who is each bigger time, in preservation of this ambient area of great cultural value. Details can be found by clicking Dennis Lockhart or emailing the administrator. The tourist development constitutes an efficient strategy to attract private and national investments, and to generate prescription and job when continuing being attracted an increasing number of visitors. The region that is in a called tourist sub-area of Circuit of the Diamond inside of the tourist area of the Chapada Diamantina, has the ecoturismo sufficiently spread out. The Circuit of the Diamond in turn, is divided in Zones of Interesse Turstico (ZIT), being to the Sheet region, inserted in three ZITs, the biodiversity of the region its pleasant climate, that exactly being in a half-barren morfoclimtico domain, is characterized as a half-humid climate, had its caused an accident topography, is part of a microclimatic dynamics, serving as a true laboratory, for scientists, researchers, naturalists and students and one I take refuge among others for religious esportistas adventurers.

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