Magis Global –

May 14, 2024

Facial Massage

Category: General – Tags: – Joan – 2:02 am

A surprising effect of massage on mood and health were seen for thousands of years ago. For the first time this method is not medical treatment wrote in his treatises ancient Chinese massage is widely used to restore rights after illnesses of different etiologies. Indian healers, healers of ancient Egypt, who trusted the health of Pharaoh, the doctors of ancient Greece and ancient Rome – all of them thoroughly aware features effects of massage on the human body and is widely used for its treatment of those who turned to for help to their art. Their research works have survived to our days and laid the groundwork for today's massage, successfully used along with medicines and medical procedures. Massage can have different objectives – rehabilitation, treatment, recovery or removal of muscle tone, etc.

Depending on the destination and the country origin, it is divided into types: restorative, general, healing, relaxing, children, health, vacuum, Thai, Indian, Chinese, etc. One of the most popular and sought after species is relaxing massage, which has a range of useful properties. He is able to simultaneously work on the soul and the human body, relieving pressure on nerves that accompanies everyday life, giving the body a perfect shape, removing fatigue and muscle pain. Using a relaxing massage, you can achieve amazing results, which are even hard to believe, but the effect is noticeable after the first session, verify the validity of these words. Among positive aspects of a relaxing massage should be noted: Promote the exchange and other processes in the body. The emergence of a sense of joy of life, positive mood, a feeling of comfort and peace equilibrium. Improving the condition of the skin. The overall health benefits.

Prevention of obesity, cellulite and varicose veins. At the heart of a relaxing massage is the so-called principle of psychosomatic effect, in which the tension a person increases his muscle tone, and he, in turn, again provoking worsening mental state. The ability to relax and to forget about problems helps to break this vicious circle and find not only peace of mind, but also the state of cheerfulness, feeling a surge of strength. There are several types of relaxing massage for each of which has its evidence: Total relaxing back massage – for people experiencing serious stress. Effectively relieves muscle pain, strengthens the immune system and has beneficial effects on mental the human condition. Massage the upper back – excellent help with insomnia, stress, mental fatigue. Hand Massage – registered in the presence of the same testimony, similar to massage the back, applies in the case, if the latter is impossible. Foot massage – relieves a feeling of heaviness in the legs, helps to eliminate swelling and discomfort after a hard day. Facial Massage – designed for those who are very tired at work and suffers a nervous overexertion. Massage the scalp – promotes a rush of blood to the hair follicles, which greatly improves hair growth. However, before you enroll in a course of massage, ask your therapist if you have any contraindications to the course. A relaxing massage can be carried out with: acute viral disease. The problem of the spine. Severe injuries of muscles and joints. injuries and diseases of the skin cover. At the stage of recovery after operative surgery.

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