Today the shoes – it's not only one of the attributes of clothing, designed for our convenience and protection from the cold, but also one of the ways to emphasize our style. And sometimes, choosing shoes, we pay attention not only for convenience and quality, but also the beauty and style of shoes. Sometimes for the sake of this we do not mean, to select the shoes more expensive. But how could it be a shame if not cheap fashion boots or shoes suddenly after a short time to come disrepair. This may occur because of improper, untimely or lack of care.
Let's turn our attention to a few simple tips for footwear. One common mistake – cleaning shoes before out on the street. Footwear, which is worn on a daily basis, should be cleaned immediately after coming off the street. Thus, dirt and dust will not get into the room and will not eat shoes. Mud and snow on their shoes, you must first clean brush, wipe with a damp and then dry with a cloth or napkin. If the shoe ripped off a piece of leather, and there is no glue on hand, you can use nail polish, causing it to pre-dried surface. New, neraznoshennuyu or just shoes of hard tough skin can be softened, but also make a waterproof, vterev glycerin, vegetable oil or petroleum jelly. You can also use a mixture of wax and grease, lubricate joints along foot and after polishing. Leather shoes need special care. To clean, use shampoo to shoes and warm water. In no case do not wash their shoes in the washing machine and do not use cleaning detergents containing chlorine with bleach.