In the Seminary of Belgrade it was argued necessity to develop programs of ambient education in all the countries members of the ONU. The main concern, at that moment was to divulge the necessity of one politics of ambient education of regional and international abrangncia; from general lines of direction importance of the regional actions was emphasized it. The Letter of Belgrade (So Paulo, 1994) defines the structure and the basic principles of the ambient education, identifying the economic growth with ambient control as the content of the new global ethics. The ambient education is placed there as one of the basic elements for the general onslaught against the ambient crisis boasted by the Club of Rome (Meadows et al, 1978). However, the construction of this new ethics as educative goal has, in this document, individual character staff.
The there express objectives of the ambient education are awareness, knowledge, attitudes, abilities, capacity of evaluation and participation. It is interesting to observe that the document considers that the ambient education is organized as formal and not formal education, as a continuous and permanent process directed with priority to the children and the young, and that it has character to interdisciplinar. 6. METHODOLOGY the main objective how much to the differentiation in the elimination of solid residues it is to prevent that the environment suffers with the effect of the degradation caused for the deposition of such residues in erroneous place and without the well-taken care of had ones. As the majority of the effect to the environment it comes of the direct action of the human being, the methodology will be directly on to its actions, knowing the correct ways for the final deposition it residue and its treatment, beyond the eliminated products to be again reaproveitados (recycling). For Pablo Freire, ' ' Nobody ignores everything, nobody knows everything. All we know some thing.