In many cases, it even leads to cost savings, for example from practice of energy efficiency, logistics efficiency or reuse of supplies. The panorama is wide. The truth is that, in this area, too needed to be innovate. Not with a motivation of competition, but as a chance each company to find the kind of actions that match both as their capabilities as your principles or messages that are intended to give. In this sense, the environmental offers a myriad of possibilities (above named only a few). This can be interesting observing with attention that happens in international environmental forums, which set the course of many public policies and cross-sectoral synergies.
For example, if in the framework Convention of United Nations on change Climate financing packages are being negotiated to bring developing countries into political practice of mitigation (reducing emissions) from the development of renewable energy, it is desirable that a company will join those energies promoting knowing that the topic will receive support from the public sector in the medium term, achieving thus complement political impulses on certain topics. Another important case traces is the emergence of ecological footprints. Arising as a parameter measurement of impacts on ecosystems, configured a concept increasingly applied to quantify the impact of activity human (in its various forms) on the environment. For example, the footprint of water 1 determines the amount of water required by a particular production or consumption processes. For its part, the footprint of carbon (carbon footprint) indicates the equivalent carbon emissions that occur in the development of products, services and/or other related processes (such as the internal or external carriage of goods). The emergence of the concepts of footprint, especially the carbon footprint generated by large chains of supermarkets in some European countries, mobilized a major debate at the time that proliferated different standards in different countries. All this led to progress in defining global parameters: ISO standards.
In 2012 they are expected already prepared standards ISO 14067 (standard on the calculation of the product carbon footprint, and its communication including labelling) which condense visits them from the private sector on the subject and the views of different countries on the footprint of carbon. This coupled with the development of the ISO 26000 (about social responsibility) offers a comprehensive framework of understanding on responsibility strategies and allows companies operating in different countries can have a uniform design practices social and environmental parameter. To the extent that the theme comes with more strongly on the agenda public and social, is a good time to add to the efforts of a country or sector in such a direction. In this context, the opportunities are numerous for innovation in sustainable environmental practices and those who so may have an advantage whose results may be greater than expected.