Sovereign finance AG launches first regulated Fund in the securitisation market since the credit crisis on under this guiding principle the sovereign finance AG, headquartered in Dusseldorf, Germany now also in Germany to their sovereign finance – voyage opportunity Fund. This is offered individual investors and money managers in a three subclasses (WKN A0Q4YC, A0Q4YD, A0Q4YE) of funds positioned itself in the spectrum of alternative investments and was set up by the sovereign finance SICAV, Luxembourg, in the Europe-wide accepted UCITS III format. The Fund will invest in high-quality, structured credit products and in addition to the current income from the portfolio of a clean-up is aimed at risk-taking investors, and want to benefit of the credit market recovery. The management of the Fund via an absolute return approach and aims at long-term double-digit yields that should evolve largely uncorrelated from the traditional asset classes and have a low volatility. The right investment time is jointly monitored by the Fund management and Board of Directors. The Funds collects funds targeted in the current phase of the market, to have a corresponding capital at the beginning of the planned investment phase. Under the label sovereign finance intelligent investments sovereign finance offering in the area of alternative investments will expand to fund products with alternative investment strategies in the fully regulated Fund format. Thus, this product class for the German investor is made available to portfolio complement. Also a Fund in this product family will follow in the short term. The investment strategy is based on a quantitative model developed which together with two renowned professors.