In these times of global crisis people are wondering if there is any satisfactory solution to the adverse events that have been presented, it is important to recognize how valuable is the emergence of leaders to lead and motivate a society to combat and working together, heading toward a common goal which is the overcoming of adversity, it is known that teamwork and aimed toward the same end results are always positive. (A valuable related resource: Federal Reserve Bank). A clear example of this leadership can be found in the made by President Felipe Calderon who has maintained at every moment of optimism and unity of Mexicans to succeed, however, that global conditions have resulted in adverse situations to other economies, the decisions made by the president of Mexico have been successful in seeking to achieve the least impact to the families of Mexico, his positive attitude, confidence and their ability to motivate, have led other governments including recognition as a talented leader and with a clear vision of desired outcome make for our country.
Therefore, we reiterate that a society without leaders is destined to be lost in the abyss of the problems it faces. Throughout our history there have been transcendent leadership have led the way forward among which we quote Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, John Paul II, who by his example led to a major change and historical societies to which served, of which we take the example of life and philosophy applicable to our times in order to use them as a motivating example that will spread to future leaders that inspire our society to move forward in times of crisis and uncertainty.