A language intrinsically is related to the thought that, simultaneously, is forged by a culture in particular. A culture means the way to see the world. Thus it is that when the translator does his work in fact he is assimilating since angle a person, trained in a context different from his, contemplates the life. In the present context, this task acquires an ample dimension much more, because with his office the translator becomes means in itself by which the culture is transmitted. This subject has been exposed very well in the book that the Irish author Michael Cronin contributed with the title Translation and Globalisation.
Also Susan Bassnett, in its work Translation, History and Culture, reflects on the importance of this complex task for the communication processes that take place in the new global scene. In opposition to which it could assume, the translation must be understood like the art to find the meaning and the intention of the author, elements that are implicit in the handling of the language inside of the original text. Then what it is translated are not mere nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs, but a complete mentality that has been in writing. The challenge for the translator is exactly to enter the head of the other and to contemplate the reality from the same armchair. We consider, for a moment, the first translations of the Sagradas Scriptures, starting off of 1280, with the appearance of the Alfonsina Bible recognized like the first edition in Castilian, sponsored by king Alfonso X until the recent publication of Santa Biblia: Reign realised in the United States under the direction of the First Presidency and the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Saints of the Last Days. From a translation to another one, the interpretation of the Christian world evolves enormously according to what different groups from scholars and theologians consider that, at the time, they meant the diverse true Biblical personages and which were the meaning of the chronic manifolds that relate the sprouting of the same humanity. No there is better way to demonstrate than the translation also enriches the culture and the traditions and preserves the memory. Finally, we consider that nowadays this important office no longer is limited only the work with the used languages more within a specific geography.
In a globalised world, which vanishes are the physical borders, reason why now the translator faces the challenge to assimilate new developing languages born from the technology, in particular of the Internet that to little by little is taking us to all towards the learning of a common language. He is in this cultural revolution where the translator finds another exciting battle area. And the rest as soon as we must be kind to its performance, because our understanding of the moment that has been called on to us to live depends on its handling of the language, as diverse as can be in a world that inevitably is condensed day with day.