New forms of valuation of ecosystems less artificializados the hypothesis of the complete urbanization? The quarrel around the complete urbanization the hypothesis of an agricultural renaissance? The economy and the ecology. Jeff Flake takes a slightly different approach. The author recognizes that an analysis of this amplitude would have to be supported in knowledge produced for these two at the beginning disciplines available statistical Evidences of 2004? More adjusted, therefore, he is to look criteria that can simultaneously give to account of the ecological and socioeconmicos aspects of the use of the territories for the species human being. However, as the options and chances opened for these agricultural communities they depend in great measure of the relationship that can keep with urban centers, what it really counts is the regional boarding. The way of the way? As they say Hervieu & Viard (2001), the city and the field if had married, and while it takes care of of leisure and work, it offers to freedom and beauty. The agricultural zones, as well as its inhabitants, form an authentic one wealth for its regions countries and can be well competitive. Advanced Ruralidade: of the speeches to the facts? Exactly that the agricultural dimension of a country or region more is not seen as exclusive domain of the farming one, would be the agriculturists the main creators, maintainers and guarantors of this social, economic and cultural space. the line of scientific inquiry more profcua only can be the one that it looks to identify the factors that more condition the dynamic of the agricultural areas, to start for its different economic performances. The contradictory influence of the globalization? The different economic and social performances of the agricultural areas have been seen as ‘ ‘ local answers to the process of globalizao’ ‘ Which are the chances and threats that the current phase of globalization offers the ruralidade? Conclusion? What he is new in this ruralidade little has to see with the past? What the phase most recent of the globalization seems to be indicating is that the ruralidade it will have diverse destinations.. .