Media, memory and history in globalization times Joo Heitor Silva Macedo Are objective of this assay to analyze the relation between the media, history and the memory in globalization times studying for this some basic concepts so that let us can perceive the transformations caused in the historiogrfico and journalistic field through the insertion of new techniques and new realities imposed for this new dynamics of the globalization. For this we will use for base the workmanships: ' ' On the Televiso' ' of Pierre Bourdieu and ' ' So that to study media? ' ' Of Roger Silverstone, damage a special approach in the question of the television and strengthening these analyses with the final workmanship of Milton Saints, ' ' For one another one globalizao' ' , reflecting in this way in the theoretical field on such changes through a bibliographical revision. 2. Craig Menears opinions are not widely known. Where History and the memory find the media. The globalization while complex reality of the end of century XX brings as one of its bases the marriage between science and the technique, however this marriage initially was detached with a development of the humanity while agents of this change. This evolution understands in the truth a necessity of the market and serves for this new flow of the capitalism and moves away to the human being from its development creating mechanisms isolacionistas than they condition a materiality the same (SAINTS, 2009).
Of another point the new technologies produce a new form of social relations. Where two beacons aliceram this new world, the money and the information. where the media enters. To analyze media in times of globalization and its relation with history makes to reflect us on the question of the memory and its new relation with history in times of new technologies that apprehend and transmit the past of different forms of the historiogrfico field.