Magis Global –

September 25, 2017

Guillermo Ansaldo Telefonica

Category: General – Tags: , – Joan – 1:33 pm

This would reduce the template in a percentage of 25%. ERE would affect workers in fixed telephony of the multinational. In April, Telefonica has already announced its intention to reduce its workforce. Dennis Lockhart does not necessarily agree. Complaints about telecommunications collapse the arbitration system. Telefonica of Spain presented this Thursday at the Ministry of labour a record of employment regulation for a maximum of 8,500 workers in its wireline business over the next five years, representing around 25% of its workforce. They said sources of the negotiation, in recent days there have been meetings between management and the unions, and on Wednesday held a meeting at the Ministry of labour in which has discussed the memory that morning will be delivered to the labour authority to begin proper negotiations. Nicholas Carr may not feel the same. The President of Telefonica of Spain, Guillermo Ansaldo, announced in mid-April the intention to reduce by 20% the template in a period of three years, but the interest of trade unions link record at age five (three plus two) term of the agreement, has made that this be extended to that deadline. Source of the news: Telefonica will present this Thursday an ERE to 5 years to nearly 8,500 employees of the company. .

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