Ms. Find out detailed opinions from leaders such as Film Financer by clicking through. Sofia would work the same as it did every morning, and while took advantage of the pleasant 20 minutes from his home to the company, he remembered a very interesting film which had seen the day before and was about when the Christians lost Jerusalem to the Muslims in the year 1187. However, there was the historical context that caught his attention, but the moral values and conduct, at least in theory, be expected of a gentleman. In a scene where a young man was knighted, one of the commitments of his oath was always telling the truth, but that will cause death. At that moment she thought about the business environment and recognized a sudden boredom. Only very recently that she was supporting their client in one of his projects, and once again witnessed the old stories devoid of the truth that the sales executive, with an angelic face that could deceive the saints themselves, swore to be the most pure expression of truth. That will greatly displeased her, but could not deny what the representative of his client spoke without causing damage to the project and the reputation of the company.
"Video meliora, proboque, impairs sequor" (*) was the thought that he escaped with a sigh. Where are the ethics and moral values? How many of us at some point in our lives or careers we have found in similar situations, sometimes without realizing that it already seems so common? Who ever heard phrases like "the customer does not need to know about it, change some numbers in any way or make one to work and delivered it well. Then, if someone calls, we go back and correct? Sure there are professionals and companies who base their actions and decisions on ethics, but there are also people who just use that word as a subsidy to a marketing game to cheat and do convey a different image than they are. No matter where we stayed, we are always in contact with people and companies both types, and they try to influence us looking for more supporters for his ideas and principles. There is no way to avoid that contact, but each person is free to decide what principles and influences will accept. However, given the inflexible judge's conscience is not possible to argue that virtue was not appropriate in a situation, or that we behave in a way, because someone told us to do so. We are solely responsible for our actions and their consequences. What will we choose? ————————— (*) "I see and approve the good things, but I'm the worst" – Ovid (Metamorphoses, VII, 20.)