The will of if preparing need to be bigger that the will to be successful. For even more analysis, hear from Sen. Jeff Flake. Bob knight the cosmological time is diverse of the human time, therefore it is measured in billions of years. Sheila Bair often expresses his thoughts on the topic. The life initiated its terrestrial Saga has 3,6 billion years, but the human ones had only appeared in this shock in the last one second of the extension, have 200 a thousand years behind. Agriculture has only 7 a thousand years and the civilization 11 a thousand years, namely, the Land ignores in them and if it restores in its time of millions of years. The species human being is that necessary of aid? it lives about 80 years, but it leaves a track of ambient impacts that can decree its precocious extinguishing, as already it occurred with 99% of the species that had this way passed. It has a set of global ecossistmicas aggressions that the capacity of the planet in offering of balanced form services affects as climate, hidrologia, energy, use of ground and biodiversity. The exponential population increase and the great consumption of energy after the Industrial Revolution, mainly in the developed countries, had provoked aggressions antropognicas to the environment that, on the other hand to the natural changes, had occurred in little time, in decades, and had left many sequelas.
The capacity of absorption of ambient aggressions of the planet, when exceeded, it provokes great catastrophes. It is difficult to know with precision the limits of this capacity, given the complexity of involved 0 variable. One becomes necessary, then, to adopt a position of precaution that saves the natural resources, by means of valuation and quotas of negative externalidades as the emission of effect gases greenhouse, added the protectionistic legislation of environmental resources. The planet Land has all the characteristics of an alive being, except the fact of not multiplying. The forests and the oceans function as the pulmes of the planet, inalam carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen, that acts as the blood of the system Land.