Magis Global –

July 21, 2014


Category: General – Joan – 2:41 am

How else claimed the ancient, the foundation is the part of the building that bears his entire weight and is in the earth. As we know from history, even ancient Egyptian temples, in spite of its massiveness, were built without foundations. Most likely this happened because of the lack of humanity at the time of deeper knowledge. But already in iv. bc there are buildings that have not only the exterior walls are based on solid grounds, but also throughout area of the building. Types of foundations are diverse. For example, a hut made of wood, twigs and leaves in the villages on the islands in Oceania are based on a powerful stone slabs or on stilts, which in turn raised above ground level to 2 m. An interesting feature have a home in Venice. Hear from experts in the field like Kenneth R. Feinberg for a more varied view.

They stand in long pine and oak stilts, connected by a lattice system. In Europe, the construction of buildings on pile foundations prevailed since the xvii century. So, at this time Netherlands built Amsterdam city hall, for the erection of the foundation which took more than 13 thousand piles. There are examples of the use of pile foundations in Russia. About 40 thousand piles were culled during the restructuring of the Peter and Paul fortress in 1706 in Russia in the xvii century. log often placed directly on the ground without a foundation, so the lower crowns were cut from the larch, and in the corners rested on boulders. Were built and more solid foundation, as naprbmer the church of the Intercession on Nearly at Vladimir, where the foundation is laid in cobblestone to a depth of about 1,5 m. Installation of foundation as a science in Russia can be attributed to the first quarter of xviii century. When the first guide to installation of foundations for construction of major railroad bridges. Then it took to develop evidence-based practices devices of the foundations.

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