No wonder that in addition, comment that logistics aims to place the products according to the appropriate parameters of quality and quantity, in order to prevent shortages. However, the problem occurs when you enter resources in abundance in the market. The idea is to compensate for this error with the maximum possible economy. Avoid complicated processes in producing and distributing the product, simplicity in planning logistical actions is ideal.Also, logistic system must be able to adapt to different circumstances, to changing situations, from there that requires flexibility. You also must properly coordinate the multiple and various activities that comprise it, in order to meet the demands of the market immediately.
Logistics works as a cycle, in which the producer, Distributor and end customer form an indestructible gear. If any of them are missing, the logistic flow breaks. This is precisely what we must avoid. Valietti Perez invites us to consider, that nowadays, logistics is involved in almost all stages of the life cycle of products, and the logistics policy is a major concern of the large company addresses: purchasing management, production management, address trades. Responsible for logistic activity aims seeks to take good decisions concerning the means used in a universe of very complex demands, which include the requirements human, physical, geographical and environmental Logistics Manager to simplify and permanently improve the sourcing, production and distribution processes with the order to reduce costs or delivery to the customer. A phase previous to a later stage, the logistics chain has been henceforth elevated to the rank of a fundamental, strategic process for the company.
It has become something so important as other large enterprise process oriented to the client, which is the process of design, which allows you to fine-tune the product offerings based on the information on the demand of the market. Since then, once management delves into the scope and impact of logistics, determines its relevance and all the benefits that this can generate, as they are: to comply with the requirements of the market increase competitiveness optimize costs, both for providers and customers effectively scheduling activities internal and external company strategically plan to avoid unexpected situations streamline activities of the finished product purchase definitely do not be You must forget that logistics is crucial for the trade. Logistics activities are the bridge between production and markets that are separated by time and distance. * References: Different Web pages D.M. Lambert, M. Cooper, j. D. Pagh, Supply Chain Management: Implementation Issues and Research Opportunities, The International Journal of Logistics Management. Vol.