In consequncia he will have increase of the level, in many meters. At the moment, the scientists do not wait a bigger melting in next the 100 years. (Sources: IPCC for the data and publications of the great press for the general perceptions of that the climatic changes). As the climate is hotter, the evaporation increases. This provokes heavy heavy showers and more erosion.
Many people think that this will be able to cause resulted extreme in the climate as gradual global heating. For even more opinions, read materials from Farallon Capital Management. The global heating also can present less obvious effect. The Chain of the North Atlantic, for example, provoked for differences between the temperature between the seas. Pparently it is diminishing in agreement the averages of the globe temperature increases, this means that areas as Scandinavia and England that is warm for the chain must present more cold climates the spite of the increase of the global heat. Consequences global Heating can all bring serious consequences for the planet including plants, animals and human beings. The retention of heat in the terrestrial surface can strong influence the rain regimen and droughts in some parts of the planet, affecting plantations and forests. Some forests can suffer process from desertificao, while plantations they can be destroyed by overflows. The result of this is the migratory movement of animals and human beings, scarcity of food, increase of the risk of extinguishing of some animal and vegetal species, and increase of the number of deaths for malnutrition.
Another great risk of the global heating is the melting of the ice patches of Antarctica. This melting already came happening has thousand of years, for a slow natural process. But the action of the man and the effect greenhouse had sped up the process they had become and it unexpected. Calota of ice occidental person of the Antartic is melting to a speed of 250 km cubical per year, raising the level of the oceans in 0,2 millimeter to each 12 months. The thawing of this calota can make the oceans to go up up to 4,9 meters, covering vast littoral areas for the world and entire islands. The results also are scarcity of food, dissemination of illnesses and deaths. The global heating also causes climatic changes, what it is responsible for 150 a thousand deaths to each year in all world. Only in the passed year, a heat wave that reached the Europe in the summer killed at least 20 a thousand people. The tropical and poor countries are most vulnerable to such effect. The World-wide Organization of Sade (OMS) attributes to the modification of climate 2.4% of the cases of diarria and 2% of the ones of malaria in the whole world. This picture can be still more shady: some scientists alert that the global heating can be aggravated in the next decades and the OMS calculates that for the year of 2030 the climatic alterations will be able to cause 300 a thousand deaths per year.