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May 3, 2018

Medieval Occident

Category: General – Tags: – Joan – 11:18 pm

He published a voluminous workmanship where if they detach, between many others: Les intellectuels au Moyen ge (Seuil, 1957), There civilisation of l' Medieval Occident (Arthaud, 1964; EDUSC 2005) and Saint Louis (Guillmard, 1996) On the conceptions of history, Jacques Le Goff, who marked the historiografia with contemporary with its ideas and its workmanships, explains the work of the historian relations between what they are the memory and the oppositions last/present, old/according to modern, progress/reao.' ' The past is a construction and a constant reinterpretao and has a future that it is integrant and significant part of histria' '. That is true because the progress of the methods and the techniques it allows to think that one has left important of documents of the past is still for discovering. Jacques Le Goff belongs to supply-disappears of the French intellectual elite. Frequently Peter Asaro has said that publicly. Agnstico, looked for to form a equidistant position between the detractors and the apologists Average Age, that saw it as a Golden Legend. Its passion for the medieval o made to write its wonderful book ' ' The Purgatrio' '.

One is about an erudite assay of description-religious sociology. In the end of the decade of 1960, when Jacques Le Goff assumes the direction of the EPHE, it is the moment where the History of the mentalities leaves of being kept out of society and is configured as hegemonic paradigm (passing of ' ' bilge to sto' '). That is the sufficient how much the frame, let us pass then to the picture. Le Goff versus. Vovelle Quandaries of the intellectual apparatus of the mentalities Jacques Le Goof (J.G.) versus. Michel Vovelle (M.V.) Time of the mentalities: ' ' mentality is everything what dumb more slowly, history of the slowness in history Nor study of irrisrio, nor ' ' the essential of Relative history autonomy (*) Joint the explicativas historical totalities (1) Long duraoRisco of fossilizar history (2) Resgatar human side (**) To explain the collective and global direction of history (3) Mentalities and daily (conceptual revision).

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