Continuation of the transcript of the tape recording of the class: a The mission of the Church should not be other than the universal values of the Kingdom, and not talk about Jesus Christ, because that divides us, that confronts us, that would frustrate the respect a Buddhist, or chrism. yCual is the fundamental problem? Is that the Church has said, and there is a document called a Dialogo and anuncioa If there is dialogue. Interreligious dialogue is important, the dialogue between Christians and other religions. Do not confuse between intereligioso ecumenism and dialogue, ecumenism is given only at Christians, does not occur at the level of Christianity and other religions. Another thing is tolerance and respect. Pope calls for even the missionaries, missiologists, studying other religions, but not mean at any time, to the Magisterium of the Church, stop advertising or confess our faith in Jesus Christ. Cual silence does not mean is the theological foundation behind that, of dialogue and proclamation, or of dialogue and mission? Is that Jesus Christ is the only savior. And there can be salvation in other religions apart from Jesus Christ. It is a problem, because even after Vatican II, was raised in a missionary forces problematic because the council says that even the men and women of other religions can be saved, then yQue good are the missions? The fact that the Church say, that men and women can be saved by means known only to God, does not mean you have to do the missions.