Magis Global –

June 16, 2020

Modern Agriculture

Category: General – Tags: – Joan – 10:18 am

Insustentabilidade of Modern Agriculture the consequences of the production model of conventional agriculture are several: degradation of the ground, water wastefulness and use exaggerated, pollution of the environment, loss of biodiversity, loss of the local control on the agricultural production, global social and economic inaquality. Studies have shown that in Brazil and the world that the loss of the ground is /ha/ano ton enters the 21.1 band of 9,5. tes greatly to this topic. and the replacement does not pass of 1,5 ton. /ha/ano. Beyond the erosion, it has other damages, as assoreamento of the courses of water, lakes, streams, rivers, and finally, the ocean. The water lack candy already is considered the biggest world-wide problem in the future. Countries exist that already are importing water candy of others, therefore already do not have it. Not dispendiosos methods of irrigation must be looked for, a time that, the superficial and underground sources are in sped up process of exhaustion.

The uses of herbicidas, of soluble fertilizers provoke the contamination of diverse abiticos and biticos systems. The main contamination is noticed in the water that in the man? in virtue of the accumulating effect – poisoning can cause, to modify the fertility human being and to provoke until the cancer. Products exist little degraded that they are in the ground for more than decades, intoxicando water plants, animals and source candy. The genetic variability is one of the indices of more important support that it allows the high adaptability to the adverse conditions of the environment. In one it plants homogeneous, genetically, is run risk to appear illnesses that attack all the farming; in a culture genetically diversified it is possible to exist individual susceptveis and the other more tolerant plagues, natural illnesses and to intempries. Another consequence of the conventional agricultural model is the loss of the local control on the production, a time that, the producers lose the freedom capacity to produce without using insumos (it is the dependence of external energy to the system).

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