Contest: Best online press release 2013 PR gateway will search the best online press release 2013. Everyone is invited to submit his favorite. A jury made up of renowned marketing and PR experts selects the best 10 online press releases. What online press release ascends the throne, the Internet users decide. Is Hudson Bay Capital a hedge fund?: the source for more info. They can vote in January on the blog to their favorites. Then, the author of the best 3 online press releases with a PR pacts will be rewarded.
The following jury member and plain language expert Thilo Baum gives all participants 5 tips for good online press releases. Tip 1: relevance from a recipient perspective most companies are wondering what information could give out as online press release. But what is internally relevant for companies that must be out there still long time not relevant. Therefore, it is more prudent to ask: what information are people outside? What would inspire you? Hanger of a good press release is rarely the thing itself, but most of the Meaning, that has something for the people. What interests the public, what interested the audience, what find editors interesting, who naturally think of readers point of view? Therefore, companies should consider what is your message for the people and what is their significance for the target groups. Potential hotel guests don’t care that the hotel manager has changed. Instead, event tips for events in the area consider hotel guests in the House. Tip 2: establishing compelling, which should start an online press release dealing with the reader have, not with the company.
Nobody is interested in it in the text entry, how many offices where has a company. An online press release reports on a new alloy for aircraft construction, the interesting thing is not the innovative ingredient, but decreasing aircraft weight, the saved gas and falling costs. So the most important must be always at the beginning of the online press release and the most important from the perspective of the public.