Magis Global –

August 11, 2019

Overcoming Work Addiction

Category: General – Tags: – Joan – 4:42 pm

Why are you so busy? Do you really have a lot of work? It is such an important job for you that you sacrifice everything in your life to do the job? Even if the cost of their health and their relationships? If you find these questions disturbing then see how you rate with these others: Do you work over 50 hours a week? Do you dream about work? Do you believe that to succeed you have to work late most of the time? Are you a foreigner in his own home? Do you constantly miss family and social events because you’re always working? Do you schedule and undertake more than what you can do in a 40-hour workweek? Are you bored when you’re not working? Is missing family and social events because of work unavoidable? When on holiday you constantly check your phone messages and email?

The higher your score the number of affirmative answers, the closer you fit the profile of an addict work. If you answered yes to more than half of the questions, it’s time to take stock before you lose your health, family and everything they own near and dear to his heart. Make a Stocktake First of all take a look really good at your job, what he does and the importance of their achievements. Are you liked by all those long hours you put? Really – I mean really – make a difference in your income? Let’s be realistic. In the current economic climate, employees are often more than expendable pawns. .

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